Prolonged Grief

Hi. Does anyone have knowledge, ideas, advice, thought about therapy/treatment for Prolonged Grief? It has also been known as Complicated Bereavement.
Thank you.

I am so sorry that you are still struggling and suffering with your grief. I lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly 8 months ago and yes it is very hard not having him here. Life has definitely changed. Have you been to your doctor who might be able to point you into the right direction. I first had a private counselor which I paid for but now I am having trauma therapy through the doctor’s which is free. Do you have any support from family or friends? Xx

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Thank you for your reply. I am glad you are getting support. It’s a bit too complicated to explain, but despite going through my doctor, at the moment I can’t get any therapy or treatment that way. I might be able to in a few month’s time. I don’t have any support at all. I am very isolated due to a brain injury. It’s been fourteen years since my loss and things are still getting worse, particularly the nightmares and how it affects my daily life. Thank again for replying.

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I am very sorry to hear that you have no support. Can you claim for pip payments which you could use for some type of support. It does sound like you have got PTSD. I know that you might be able to get support via Zoom. Thinking of you … big hugs xx

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Where are you in Somerset. I too live in Somerset. Crewkerne

Hi. I am in Glastonbury.

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I too am isolated. I lost my husband in June. He was my carer. Since then i have been out if the house 4 times. I have read a bout complicated grief but can’t say I understand what you must be going through for this length if time. I feel for you. Xx

Thank you so much. I won’t bore you with all the details, but after I had a brain injury I was diagnosed with PTSD. I had EMDR therapy and during that the psychologist also diagnosed me with Complex PTSD and Prolonged Grief. I do get PIP, but can’t use it for therapy at the moment. My life is in upheaval at the moment for reasons I can’t explain, so everything is in limbo. I am just having a tough time day to day, partly because I am very isolated and I have no one who can understand all the trauma stuff.

That sounds very tough for you. I hope it’s okay if I send you a hug.

Hugs are always welcome. I send you a hug back. The last physical hug I had was from my new gardener when I got a bit tearful. But that is West Country folk for you. Hugs and thoughts . Sandra

Thank you.

I’m so sorry to hear that…I also got PTSD and having EMDR. I do hope eventually that you will get the support you need and eventually live along side of your grief. Such a journey that we are all on… big hugs xx