Psychic Phenomena.

I have never been a great believer in the afterlife but some strange things have happened to me since Ron passed. He was the love of my life but had a jealous nature and didn’t like me to stay out late when he was not with me. Shortly after he passed I went out with a friend and we got chatting quite late so was 1.30am when I got home. I put my key in the door and it would not turn at all. I tried several times and then went to my daughter’s who lives in the same Close. She came and tried the key and the door opened immediately. I still believe Ron was ‘locking me out’ for staying out so late. Several times the stereo system has turned itself on in the conservatory and once the electric fan on my fire suddenly switched on. And this you are not going to believe. As I am typing this the door bell just rang. It is very loud so no mistake. I went straight to door and no one there. Are these co incidences?I don’t know. I remember once in 1981 I had a terrible premonition that something bad was going to happen. I was about to go on holiday alone to Canada but nearly cancelled my flight. I just knew that something bad was going to happen and it did! An hour before landing we were told that there was a suspected bomb on board and the captain had flown the plane all the way back to Scotland without us knowing. We flew out the next day but I still did not feel right. I just put it down to nerves. A couple of days later I got a call to say my mum had had a brain haemorrhage and she died before I got home. Then years later my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on the anniversary of my mum’s death. All so strange but was it all just co-incidence?

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Wow! That’s the weirdest thing I have ever heard! Who can tell why? I haven’t experienced anything like that since I lost my husband. Surprising, as we were close as close can be. I wish I could. I can only say I wish you well and hope it all calms down. Ann

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Hi Ann R. I have not had any further experiences and not sensed Ron around me. I just hope he can let me know he is ok. I would do anything to have him back. You and I hope you do get a sign soon

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That’s interesting Angiejo, I understand that when there is a major incident the usual number of people on a flight or in a building are often less than normal. So it seems whether aware or not part of us taps into something.
I smiled at the locked door, I wonder if the sign sent is something to make us notice. So some signs are more bizarre but reflect the earthly character that we recognise?
That also poses a question why some do not seem to get signs. Mine have often come when busy doing something else, a relaxed focus.
When we crave for a sign someone said it creates a negativity that spirit finds harder to pierce.

You may find some of Suzanne Geismanns videos on YouTube interesting. If you go to her web page there is free stuff, including a free download of a book. Just search her name.

She did not believe at all then she had an unexpected experience that led her to look into it. Sometimes expectations can block.
Just hope your next sign is not as inconvenient as being locked out, not sure if mine would like being woken at that time. X

Dear All. Heres a photo of the many gifts my dear wife Anne left me after her passing. The coins came first. Popping up unexpectedly in all parts of the house. The top row are all dated 2016. One in mint condition. The row of three are dates 2020. When the coins stopped the white feathers appeared. Some in the house others just appearing in my path both garden and on walks. They only appeared when it was the last thing on my mind. Both coins and feathers have now stopped. But since Anne passed Ive had almost daily visits from her. I suddenly and out of the blue feel like a spiders web has been placed over my face and instinctively break into a smile. Its then I talk to her. I asked her a while ago to find my lost pen. I searched everywhere including rubbish bins but without success. I gave up. But the next day after asking Anne it turned up next to the coffee jar as I was about to make my first cup of the day. Take heart everyone. Our loved ones are closer than we think in the other dimension of pure love, health and safety.
James x


Hello @James71. I too have got lots of signs from MIke during this past 9 months. I often light a beeswax candle next to his photo as it always burns very cleanly and without spluttering. Yesterday I was sitting on the bed watching his candle and it started dancing like mad. The flame was going crazy from side to side so I presumed there must be a breeze coming from somewhere. There were no windows open, all doors were closed and I even put my hand round the candle to prevent any wind reaching it. It still danced for ages and hasn’t done it since. How weird is that? These signs are wonderful so keep looking for them,.
Love and light. x


Lovely to hear, James. Yes, just a thought away really.
Sometime ago I could not get a lid off a jar, I called out in frustration Oh what would you do, a strong thought in my head with a touch of humour replied Give it to me.
I laughed tried again and the lid came off like butter. alice

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I enjoyed reading your post thank you​:rainbow::rainbow:xx

Please can you tell me if my husband didn’t believe that there was anything after death, would he come too me. All I want to know is if he is happy and his dementia has gone love to you xx


Dear Florence

Your dear husband has now found peace and a full recovery. On the other side there is no pain or illness of any kind.

Whilst you shouldn’t look for signs some may appear unexpectedly. Odd coins appearing in the house for example. Feathers. A type of butterfly. These signs from our lost loved ones can appear in many forms to tell us they are safe, well, and loved.

James x

I’m so happy I’m not alone on the “feeling weird” my subject is rather different to most of your stories but a week before my traumatic event I had a calling/voice that told me to record something as “ we will need it for evidence” and for weeks still now I question my sanity and if I really am weird cut a long story short a week later I experienced that traumatic experience and it indeed may have made a significant difference I never truly believed in all this but had an open mind and have always been grateful and after the calling I’ll forever be thank full that although this is something I have to live with for the rest of my life I helped

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Hi James, my grandson was visiting me, he is my late daughter’s son. There I saw a 5p on my hall carpet. I’ve no idea how it got there but I said to my grandson, your mum’s been here. She die without seeing her children for a year or so and that was one of my grandson’s regrets as he wished he’d seen her to tell her he loved her. And she always wanted to see him. It broke his heart when she passed. So I like to think she was there when he was visiting :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Jonathan
I lost my lovely lady to a sudden heart attack 4 weeks ago and I’m absolutely devastated, I stayed at one of my daughters a week after I lost her and stayed the night on her couch, I had a dream that I was hiding my wife’s wine and then I felt someone hug me tight (this is something she used to do) I then woke up immediately and could still feel someone hugging me for a few seconds. I don’t really know what it was but would like to believe it was her.


Today I’ve read this thread from start to finish. Very interesting and thought-provoking posts!

Hi John I think you are 100 percent right our loved ones are around us all of the time, I think the problem is we do not initially recognise the signs.At first everytime my Husband appeared in a dream , I blocked him out, I was devastated to think he wasnt here with me. There were times when I slept very little , I used to wait until I was exhausted so I could guarantee not to be waken and not able to get back to sleep. Then one night I was in bed and actually dreaming of a bbq .In this dream I went up to use the upstairs bathroom as downstairs was occupied. When i went to open the ensuite door I could feel resistance as if someone was coming out.At this point my Husband walked out of the door and told me he was okay,I said you shouldn’t be here.I can only describe this as evidential, he came to me when I most needed him .I think that they come when we need them, and in utter grief we do not always recognise them. I know all this sounds utterly crazy, but it has bought me some peace. When I went to a medium she said your Husband is basically just behind a door, and asked if I could understand that . I recognise he comes to me quite a lot, but if I feel desperate or feel like summoning him it just doesn’t happen.
This is only my opinion and experience, so I hope it isnt offensive to anyone. Love and Light to everyone. X

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Ivy1 that is so lovely to read this. I am sure your husband is around you and will leave signs. It certainly does not sound crazy! I have had so many signs especially the last 2 to 3 years since he died (he died on 15th May, 2020 in hospital.) The signs have tailed off a little bit but when I am stressed or very upset I walk into the kitchen and the clock on the microwave goes to 00.00. It’s happened only when I’ve been stressed. Also my wardrobe door will open of it’s own accord and it’s always the same door. About 7 months after he died I was up during th night and saw his orb appear on the hall floor, it sort of popped up from nowhere! When he was in hospital I was always expecting him to come home and tried to talk the nurses into letting him home so I could care for him, but it was too late. He always said I want to come home and that’s exactly what he did, his energy came home to me! So many amazing experiences but people will think I’m mad but I feel very humbled. Sending hugs to you, I’m so glad that seeing your hubby brought comfort to you. Please look out for signs from him x


Hi to everyone ,
I would like to mention a few things and give a few ideas to think about that I sincerely hope will give some if not everyone some little comfort, we all need it yes?

Ok firstly, yesterday (Monday ) I received a message from my dear sister, I was told to go to local crem yesterday morning and ask about buying a memorial stone in the garden of remembrance.
So suddenly I had this urge to go and inquire. When I arrived , had chat with a staff member, was shown around garden and told and shown only 1 empty space left in the huge remembrance garden. There must be over 100 in there.
So I paid in full and will be made , engraved and placed in situ within 6 to 8 weeks…
Other signs smoke alarms have activated for no reason, no smoke no fire no power cut or surge , finding feathers , and missing 2 TV remotes and 1 sock.
I sincerely wish everyone receives a message or a sign from your loved one, the first one it’s so special

Take care all
Bless you


Positive signs, indeed! I think that my dad, being an electrical engineer, would communicate via electricity. I sometimes wonder whether he has. But I think that I’m quite closed off, unintentionally. My best friend has sensed things in the past (before I lost my dad) but I haven’t. And I never turn on my sense of smell. Like, people will notice smells way before I do. Not that I’m suggesting a link between spirits and different smells, but I just think that maybe I’m too closed off in general to subtle signs around me. Meditation is supposed to help.

Hello everyone, i would like to chat about this topic, psychic phenomena, but do not intend or wish to upset anyone, or cause pain before i begin ok.
It is purely and hopefully only give maybe some comfort and a little to think about. To the members who have may already had a special experience from your loved one, i am happy for you and hope it stay and continue for you again.

I believe we are all born not just to be on this earth, we were sent here with a intention to something. I have researched this a little and understand when loved ones go , they may meet another loved one waiting for them or be kept safe with a chosen spirit guide, Sometimes but not always loved ones will normally send messages, leave signs within 3 months - 12 months , maybe a little longer.
When they arrive to meet their guide, the are in “resting chambers” and they will begin a “life review” of thier life from been born untill they leave this earth.

Every now and again, when they know or feel you are in trouble, distressed, need guidance, help or whatever, they may send you , show you a sign they are around for you.
Best way is to talk to loved ones., all the time, just have chats, tell them what you are doing , where you are going, , say their name then " hi… (name) .i am just going to pop out to shops" or , " Hi…(name) do you think i should go here, or…should i do this? Always say their name or whatever they were known as, uncle bob, or you know.
If you can hold a item belonging to them it helps messages, signs stronger to come thru.
I can not promise any of this will work for everyone , but i wish everyone the very best wishes that some of you , sometime soon and in future know your loved ones are still close.

Thank you for reading and bless you all my dear friends here. you all so special ,
Hugs, Col


Hi burgled, thanks for your reply and interest in my post.

I agree, it could be possible with your dad, electrics. Be patient, try not to expect anything or sit and wait for anything to happen it will, it may.
Smells, yes some people can pick up certain perfumes, aftershaves, soaps. cigars.
I think everyone has a “gift” its just need to know how to use it and have open mind.
Some things do have rational explanations, some do not.
Mediation, umm i have not tried that, i know when practice mediation its important to come out if it the correct way, can possibly lead to problems i have read.