How do you know when you are suffering from PTSD. ?
My lovely mum passed away last November, i just dont feel like the same person. Im anxious about work, we have booked to go to Disney Land with relatives and went rou d to talk about it, but i felt overwhelmed with everyone being excited.
My brain is constantly thinking of all sorts of tbings.
I do have flash backs of a upsetting time. Not sure if i need doctor’s, trying tohelp myself by swimming.
Any thoughts or experiances?xx

Hi, sounds like PTSD to me, Mine came from trying to cope in a work environment for many years in a work environment where bullying was the culture and I couldn’t escape. It caused a heart attack, which allowed me to retire very early (56)

But it left me in a mental mess, always regurgitating horrible thoughts from that time, nightmares, anger etc.

I looked for some therapy, but most of it just explained what was causing it, but didn’t resolve it.

Finally, I finished doing hypnotherapy (which doesn’t involve being hypnotised!, so don’t worry). I learnt that the problem was that my thinking process had learned bad habits, and was beating me up. During the therapy, I became very relaxed, and the therapist talked my subconscious brain into thinking differently, a bit like sorting out some short circuits in my wiring.

It worked brilliantly for me. I did this in year before my wife died, and it really did help me to work through the grief.

Now three years after the therapy, it still guides me very well!

I did experience same things, I am not a person that will tell you to go to counselling or anywhere else where it is just their profession to listen. Do swimming, explore Yoga or there is something called as 10 day course in vipassna mediataion in India or may be in UK that is normally free of charge and it helps alot. Rest you have to reprogramme your mind on your own

I suffered a full nervous breakdown which I thought was due to work stress, which I suppose some of it was. The main crux of it all was I hasn’t dealt with the traumatic death of my dad. I’m learning to try and deal with things rather than suppressing the memory, it’s great to talk and let everything out, I find it better with a counsellor rather than family, as I feel like I don’t want to burden people with my problems x

If you consider them family, they will be happy to hear you but I am glad you have a counselor to help you. You can reach out in my dm as well anytime and I am always there to listen to you. Take care. And breakdowns and sleep issues are normal feelings so don’t be hard on yourself

Yeah they would be more than happy to hear me, but it’s me rather than them stopping this, I’m always the strong one who looks out for everyone and I wouldn’t want it the other way round

You know I used to think like you only and you are not wrong but you know I kept holding and was also taking therapy but there came a time last month that my health really became bad and it started affecting me and I broke down in front of my family eventually they helped me and i felt much better. A counselor will hear you but it is her profession, opening up to family will help you more internally but I respect your thought process.

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It is so good to talk to someone in the same / similar position as some times I think my counsellor just wants to give me validation as to how I feel . I don’t feel like I’m the same person anymore but don’t really know who I am now either, I get so overwhelmed by what some say are small things, my mind just feels so muddled as I knew who I was then but now I don’t. If that makes any kind of sense


Yes it makes complete sense. I get overwhelmed too and i dont like to feel out of control. Xx Hugs to you :heart:

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I was diagnosed with ptsd ,after a traumatic hospital admission towards the end of lock down, i suffered a psychosis and then the ptsd diagnosis, i received 10 weeks of therapy, which seemed to work, but sadly after i returned to work ,it rose its head again i haven’t worked due to it now for 3 years. The reason i tell you this is i spent 40 years taking care of everyone else ,and my worries got boxed away. Now after the loss of my husband i make myself , reach out to ask for help. I feel extreme alertness and anxiety i cant cope being around groups so find myself, confind to the village i live in ,but the people that surround me are caring and understanding, keep talking to a trusted group be honest and remember, they want to help . You’d be surprised how many of us that are around you and you talking may help them to come forward too, and thats another support group ,ive found around me with ptsd . Take care of yourself, i wish you well with it . Remember the worst thing of it, is we shut ourselves away when we need help the most.

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So true man, I hope you are doing better now. Please feel free to write more or reach out on private message anytime you want to talk. Take care

Its normal to feel this way but remember you are a kind person. and all this is temporary, you are gonna feel better soon. Even I feel I am not the same person but everything will get better. Just be kinder to yourself and work on yourself. And talk about how you feel