Reaccuring greif

I’m new to this so I’m sorry if I do it wrong.
My dad died 27 months ago. My family is complicated. I felt so bad for ages. Smashed. Heart broken. I woke up every morning and thought who is going to die today. I was probably a bit too protective of my mum. I probably still am.
So this week I went to support a friend at her step dad’s funeral.
It was awful. I was shocked at how terrible I felt. The darkness was back I felt physically ill. To be fair this was in the same room where we put dad to rest. That evening I felt really uncomfortable in my own skin. So sad. So angry. Unhappy. Then I went to sleep and got up and felt fine.
That feels a bit crazy.
Is that normal?
I guess I must be using denial, is that ok?

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Hello @Jackie1969 ,

I can see that you’re new to the community, so I wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad that brings you here.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

You may also find this Sue Ryder article helpful when you feel ready.
Losing a parent: Losing a parent - Coping with the death of a parent | Sue Ryder

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


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All I can say through my own experience of recently losing my husband and what I have read from others on here is that there is no wrong way when grieving. It just happens how it happens, no point trying to change it. I find my emotions or mood changes hourly. I’m alone most of the time, all different thoughts go through my mind then moments of feeling OK, then back to sad, deep thoughts, good and bad. It’s something we never get over but learn to live with I guess

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Spot on. Like riding waves on the sea. Body shaking with tears then coping the next hour. I just try to go with each emotion and accept it whether it be anger, sadness, hope or total devastation. At least we know from each other that this is to be expected.

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Thank you love.
That’s reassuring.
So sorry for your loss.

Thank you love
So sorry for your loss
I feel a bit more normal now.