Really Bad Today

To day is a really bad day for me. I woke this morning already in tears. Sundays always seem such a sad for me anyway for some reason. My first thoughts are always for husband Peter who died nearly 20 weeks ago but today I am remembering my Mum who passed 18 years ago today. This is making it doubly hard for me tidally. Don’t know what to do with myself except pour my heart out to you wonderful listeners on here.

Moira xx


So sorry for you Moira. I totally understand how you feel about Sundays. I’m the same, I don’t work, so a Sunday is no different from every other day but I find them sad, lonely days.
20 weeks is still a very short time since you lost Peter. It’s a grief that is almost unbearable.
Of course you will be thinking of your mother on the anniversary of her death. So much sadness.
I hope you perhaps feel slightly better as the day goes on. I find the mornings are the worst, but I also think this time of year doesn’t help with the colder weather & the darker days.
Thinking of you, Janey xx

Thank you Janey. It does help a great deal talking on here. But it doesn’t take the extreme sadness away does it. After 59 years of being together (54 married) I just don’t think I will ever get over this.

Love Moira xx


It’s a lifetime together isn’t it? We were together for 40 years and I don’t think I’ll ever get over it either Moira. My heart breaks every day xx