Reassurance via a sign?

I lost my husband 3 years ago, our little cat loved my husband & I will always be grateful to her for being there & living me in the years since his death.

Lately we’ve had quite a few trips to the vet with one thing and another, she was in her older years, last week the vet felt due to tumours in her liver & her intestines no longer absorbing food I should let her go, I want expecting it & felt so awful but I knew I had to put her first.

Since then I’ve been asking my husband to send me a sign that I’ve done the right thing & he agrees? but I’ve had nothing, this is making me feel absolutely dreadful, I miss them both so much


Hello @Flower_garden

I can’t make it better, but wanted you to know I understand completely. It’s just me and my elderly cat now since I lost my husband 12 months ago. I’m surprised my cat hasn’t picked up some English as I talk to him so much in the absence of anyone else. After I lost my husband, my cat’s head would constantly shoot up if he heard a car door to see if it was his Dad coming home, it was heartbreaking.

As he’s elderly, I know the inevitable is going to happen at some point and I know I’m going to be devastated. So I can feel your pain and am sending hugs to you.

As awful as it is, you took the vet’s advice and did the right thing. You (& your husband) wouldn’t have wanted the little creature to suffer. She’s with your husband now having cuddles I’m sure.

My heart goes out to you. x


I’m so very, very sorry for your losses. You did the best for your little cat, I absolutely feel your pain, I lost one of our little cats just before my husband died.
I do believe that they will be together, and I’m hoping, like you that your husband will send you a sign to let you know that you have done the right thing. These signs come when we least expect them, but when they do, the comfort they bring is unbelievable.
Thinking of you xx


I got my sign last night, If I had been alone I probably would of dismissed it, but last night whilst in my lounge with my two daughters and son, one of them suddenly said is there smoke in the room? Bizarre I jumped up off the sofa and then the kids all said the same thing I had like a mist all around my head and down my one side. Also my 3 year old grandson who is deaf stood at the bottom of the stairs waving to nobody? I don’t know but it gives me some comfort


I still think I hear the dog sneaking upstairs when she thought we’d be asleep!
Now hubby & dog are together over the rainbow :rainbow: bridge enjoying their walks again.

G. X


I used to hear my old dog walking across the wooden flooring

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Like you my cat has been a great comfort to me since my husband died 15 months ago. I also talk to her a lot.
She is 10 and hopefully I will have her for a few more years but dread the day I have to go through what you have.
Sending you love and hugs xx


Dear Flower garden. I completely understand how you feel I lost my husband 30 months ago and had my 4 dogs who helped me emensly with my grief last year I lost 2 of them and then this year I lost my beautiful border collie she was her daddy’s girl I had to have her put to sleep it has totally broken me but I have had some signs like a Robin and feathers where she used to lay in the garden she is with her daddy now you did the right thing for your little cat you put her first. Love and hugs to you. Jenny. X


Thank you BarnCat, I’m glad you understand & appreciate you taking the time to help me.


Thank you Janey, I have to believe they are together & my husband us now looking after her, it’s one if the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

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Thank you Grandma, it’s a lovely way to think of it that they are now over the rainbow together.


Thanks barbara61, I think I just thought she’d be with me forever, I’ll be very grateful that she was with me for 3 years after my husband died & I have to think that I put her needs before my own even though it broke my heart, I knew I couldn’t be selfish.


Thanks Jen153, yes I have to keep reminding myself that I mustn’t be selfish and I must listen to the vets advice, it broke me to lose her though.

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