
My husband of 32years passed away suddenly two months ago, he was my soul mate, the only man I’ve ever loved, I miss him so much it hurts but I’m also angry for him leaving me and my daughters. We had been together since I was 17 and now it’s like I’ve lost a limb. I can’t imagine life without him but I also know I have two choices, I can fall apart or I can keeping on living. I suppose I should feel lucky my daughters all live near by, I have a beautiful grandaughter who keeps me busy, but there’s nothing worse than being surrounded by your family but still feeling completely alone, putting on a fake smile so I can be strong for my daughters because they’ve lost their dad and I know they’re in pain too. I’ve found Yoga & Swimming have helped my mental health alot to help stop the waves of anxiety that constantly wash over me.


Hi @Rebekah6669, I am so sorry for the loss of your soulmate. My darling husband suddenly and unexpectedly left this world at only 57 years of age, in November 2020. We had been married 25 years. I do exactly the same as you, ‘put on a brave face’ for family and for my two grownup children who live with me luckily, so I am not alone. The evenings are so lonely though, like right now, as they usually go out with their friends,but I don’t let them know how I feel, would just upset them even more.
Take care of yourself, it helps sharing our thoughts with others who are unfortunately all in the same heartbreaking situation.

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Hi you’re definitely right it’s taken me sometime to share my thoughts but I do feel better for it, I’m the same, I try not to reveal my true feelings to my daughters, I don’t want them to stay with me and not get on with their lives. My husband was also 57, his dad died at 57 of a cardiac arrest, so when he turned 57 he was so relieved but then 6 months later he also died of a cardiac arrest, life is so cruel,

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I don’t have that facility but I am working on this, I don’t have my family close to me as they live a couple of hours away, I really miss being able to talk to someone about most things but as they are not local nothing happens. I am trying to get myself to be out there to be able to talk to people and try to do something that I haven’t done before. It might be a failure but I will not know till I try. Eddie


Hi Rebekah 6669,
Like you I met my wife of nearly 37years when she was 17, it was at a school reunion. We went everywhere together, and loved our life together. I feel so sad and lonely being left alone. My wife Sue was doing really well fighting her cancer, she was responding to chemotherapy and her oncologist said she should reach the 5 year survival target and beyond. Last year they changed her treatment and she deteriorated quite rapidly, she died in July this year and most of me died with her. I feel a lot of anger mostly towards those who treated her and changed her treatment to something that didn’t work. I have two children and two grandsons and I am so grateful for that, just wish I could have shared the joy of grandchildren with Sue watching them grow up.


I feel exactly the same, my partner Frances went downhill fast and I wasn’t aware of what was going on. Her causes of death where chronic bronchitis/ lung cancer/something else related to the breathing system. But the initial autopsy could not find the cause. I agreed to the biopsy being taken. And I couldn’t believe what they found, all chest and. Lung related symptoms was the cause of my partner’s death. It took them 2 months to find that out. Anyway she got a bloody good send off, as that’s what she deserved and got. Most of me is still in the process of getting over the hard work to get through this unbelievable process that we as individuals can only negotiate.