Recent Loss

I lost my husband on 14th July 2021.He was told he had lung cancer just a month before .He had no symptons it was a new test that test people over 50 who have smoked in their lives.We were told surgry was the best option.He had surgery on 2nd of July and was doing well a night on ICU and then went to a ward.That night he went down hill so fast and was placed on a ventilator he was almost brought off once could nod to questions but it was not meant to be and he died on the 14th July .I am heartbroke for me and our boys 23 yrs and 18years

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Heartbreaking is the only thing I can say to your post, how horrible for you and your sons. Yes, have heard that people over 50 can be tested but to lose him in this manor does not seem fair. Everyone on this site has lost a loved one and I know everyone will be sending their love and wishing you well. Please look after yourself and your sons. My thoughts and blessings are sent to you. S xxx


So sorry for your loss xxx


So sorry for your loss x

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