Recently bereaved

Hi all, My wife Jean (Jeannie to me) passed away last Saturday the 16th of July 2022, she was in hospital but I was with her at the time, talking to her telling her how much I, our family and our friends all loved her. Like so many of you I’m heartbroken, I was her carer for quite a few years so we spent so much time together, I built my days and nights around her and would do it all again in a heartbeat. I do have a hobby of singing in a rock covers band and before Jeannie had a stroke in 2020 she loved coming to see us play (after the stroke the excess noise was too much for her) but on those nights our eldest daughter would come and keep her company. Just lost at the moment I lost my dad when I was seven and my mum when I was twenty nine, but the loss of a partner someone you’ve chosen to share your love with is grief on another level, my heart and condolences to the rest of you going through the same thing.


Hello, so sorry for your loss. Sounds like you was an amazing husband and loved your wife Jean so very much. Try taking one day at a time like I do, I lost my precious Mam 6 weeks ago I was her full time carer aswell so utterly lost she was my best friend. My heart breaks with the loss I feel. Keep strong

Hi Jane, so sorry for your loss too, it’s just totally horrible at the moment isn’t it, I’m taking it hour by hour day by day and letting the love we have carry me through(can’t use any past tenses yet), thanks for your lovely message.

Your more than welcome, it helps to chat I think. Take care of yourself. Always here for support