Recently lost, my girlfriend 7year

Really sorry about the spelling I’m severely dyslexic

I recently lost my girlfriend on the 1st of January. We both feel just before Christmas. I was rushed into hospital. She had the same symptoms as me but was told she had the flu and was told to go home to rest. Yeah she was all okay over Christmas. She was okay just before the New Year I’ve got my New Year’s kiss I went to bed at sadly she never woke.
Found out she didn’t have the flu she had COVID-19 -pneumonia, no, I’m lost without my soulmate it doesn’t help there in March well be six anniversary when we lost our son who is only 10 days old. I really don’t know what to do.


I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your girlfriend. That must have been such a shock for you as well as the immense distress and grief.
As for losing your little one too, how difficult for you both to have loved through that.

I hope you will find some support on here. It is a wonderful community of very many kind people supporting each other through this terrible time.
Sending love

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