
My best friend and wife funeral was a year ago today. I asked the celebrant for a copy of his eulogy and the funeral service as I knew the day would be a blare . I also got a condolence book . I am so glad I did. I have just read the eulogy and listen to the songs in the service then read the condolence book . The tears have flown but it was lovely to relive my wife’s life . The pain is still so strong and I miss her loads . Iam so alone but proud of the life we shared


Bless you. What a lovely thing. Stay strong. She will be looking over you I’m sure. xx

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That is a good thing to do on the anniversary. I had not thought of that.
I did hear it all at the funeral but i wish i had felt able to circulate afterwords which I could not and missed opportunities to hear what people said.
We could not get a recording as it was in a church.
As I mostly wrote the eulogy for my son and he filled in his memories I still have most of it.
I wrote everything people said in a book and copied things written too. I can’t decide what to write on his headstone. It sounds silly but I find decision making so difficult. He used to just get on and do it not like me dithering around.
My son has been helping me do what my husband did. Keeping hedges in check and helping with garden maintenance.
It sounds awful mjsding all my husband did but i realizecthat was his way of caring sharing the chores. Some people think mundane things are not of value but I now realize that is important to me as it was all part of our life: Keeping things ticking over. When he had tidied it he felt relaxed. I wish i had appreciated him more for what he did.

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