Relaxation from anxiety

I have discovered a great selection of very effective guided meditations, all free on YouTube. They are called The Honest Guys . I just play one at night and I sleep really well.
Meditation is wonderful and this is an excellent alternative to medication. I have tried but given up on antidepressants due to nasty side effects.

Have you tried guided relaxation? I highly recommend these, they take you to beautiful places in your mind, teach valuable simple breathing techniques and leave you calm and feeling able to cope.
Seriously, I never knew how destructive stress and tension are to our health. I feel stronger since beginning to deal with it.


Hi Rachel
Thankyou for such a helpful and uplifting post. I hope there are other members who will give it a try and avoid medication.
I also do meditation and yoga exercises which help me. I do a routine when I get up which helps me with any negative thoughts I might have and then before getting into bed at night.
I am going to look up The Honest Guys and give it a go.
I am so pleased you are feeling stronger by taking such a natural approach to your grief. Well done.