
I was going through a ton of his CD’s that I am donating. Came across one that he introduced to me when we first meet. We would play it all the time when driving back and forth from New Mexico to Arizona. I shouldn’t had played it. I just started brawling like a baby once I heard the fist song. My dog is looking at me like I’m crazy and maybe I am. Will I ever recover from his death?

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So sorry for your loss, my wife passed away recently and I am struggling. Songs now have lyrics that mean different things than they did and I just have the TV on instead to fill the silence. I hope at some stage to be able to listen and smile, my wife loved her music and I guess your partner did. I am trying to stay positive and this site does help me as there are people who have suffered and managed to struggle on and have some sort of peace. Wishing you all the best and sending my love
Joe x