Resting place

Hi all,

My partner suddenly passed away in Feb this year. He was only 36, we have a 4 year old daughter and yesterday we laid his ashes to rest.
I was seeing if anyone had any advice on when to take my daughter. I want to make sure she knows she has a special place to remember her daddy but don’t want to confuse her with going to a cemetery.

Love to all xxx

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Hello @Claire84, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband - I hope things were as peaceful as they could be yesterday.

It’s a very individual decision when to take our children to a loved one’s resting place. The Child Bereavement Trust has an article about explaining funerals and cemeteries to children which might be helpful. I’ve mentioned Winston’s Wish to you before but just wanted to let you know that they have a helpline, too - it’s on 08088 020 021 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm). You can also email them

Take good care,

Thanks so much for your information x


Thanks for the info
I made the decision today and it was the right decision she asked questions but I was ready with the answers.

So she knows it’s a special place where we can visit at any time. She was talking to her daddy and kissing his picture.
