Return to work

That’s just shocking! You need to take legal advice on this… sending you hugs x❤️

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H Millie
Was thinking if you!
Wondered how you are coping ?
My family and myself have agreed that will not return to work in the new year, I am just too exhausted by grief , I value the peace of home xx

Thank you so much for messaging, its very thoughtful. I’m still off work and I’m hoping to return the start of January. I need to work, I’m only 49 and not ready to retire. The last couple of weeks I have felt like I was back at the beginning and just couldn’t get out the bit. I had a review with my Dr last week and he’s prescribed me with an antidepressant. It’s a road I didn’t want to go down, but if they help me short term then I just need to. I’m still attending counselling weekly, don’t know if it’s helping but will continue to go.
It’s my husbands family that have really affected me, been in their life for over 30 years but feel like they’ve not supported me.

That’s good news regarding your work situation. Are you giving up work completely?
It’s Christmas I’m dreading. It should have been a joyous one as it’s my grandson’s first one, I can only do my best.

Thinking of you and please message anytime or send private message.
Sending love to you xx

I will keep my fingers crossed for you , I am 64 in December , so nearly a pensioner , I have put up the Christmas decorations , it upset me initially , it was 7 months to the day yesterday ! It will be our wedding anniversary on Friday! Should have been 44 years,
I hope the prescription helps you, it can be so hard coping with the roller coaster of grief, I do feel for me that being free of the workplace has helped me, I may at some point choose to pursue other employment, my family took the view that my current employment had become untenable and I agree, I will tender my notice a week before christmas ,
Please let me know how you are doing xx

Thank for for all the wonderful messages over the last couple of months.
It is so so hard. Even getting out of bed in the morning. Going to work has helped which take my mind off things but l feel like i am in a nightmare hoping to wake up. It will be 9 months in a couple of weeks since i lost my beloved husband. He was my Rock My Soulmate My Best Friend My One in A Million Not looking forward to Christmas. Or we can do is Put One Foot on front of the Other. Thinking of those wonderful Mermories.

Thank you so much.
I’m glad you and your family have made the correct decision for you regarding work, it takes a bit of pressure away. In my head I’m thinking I will go back in January and that’s what I’m aiming for, I don’t want to go back but needs must.
I’m just a week in front of you in this horrible grief journey, it was 7 months for me last week. I’m not one for taking medication but I was really struggling and definitely hoping it’s short term. I don’t think I will be putting up tree and decorations this year. I will see how I feel over the coming weeks. I’m pleased to hear your decorations are up and you feel ok.
You too, take care and let me know how you’re getting on.
Lots of love xx