Returning to work

Lost my husband just over 4 months ago and now getting ready to return to work and suddenly feeling so anxious and unsure if I’m ready how did others manage their way through this.


Thanks and agree about phased return, work have agreed to that for me just not sure if I’m rushing in or not as I think the reality of just having our first Christmas and New Year without him is just starting to hit me plus it’s his birthday very soon too and I’m really not sure what use I’ll be at work yet but I know I need to try at some point. Hope you manage to get through your phased return as well as you can and it gets easier with time, take care.

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I lost my wife of 8 years 1 month before Christmas to cancer after a 5 year battle. It’s the most difficult time of my life and i have no idea how i am supposed to return to work. They want an answer from me as to when i will be back however i am struggling to even get out of bed in the mornings as i don’t want to even exist without her let alone go back to work! I understand they have a business to run but what is a “reasonable time” to have off work? I am really struggling with this concept. I feel so misunderstood and they don’t understand

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Definitely speak with your GP and get signed off, as I have been doing. Not sure there is a reasonable time everyone is different and everyone’s financial circumstances are different, so if you need more time and can afford to stay off then do that, if it feels right for you, and maybe ask GP about counselling if you feel ready.


I’ve got a counselling session latee today, first one so i’m hoping it helps


I returned to work too quickly after mum’s death. At first work helped but then work pressures pushed me over the edge and I’ve been off work since oct. I’m lucky my employers have a good package wich means i don’t have to worry about being off work. and if they didn’t i have a good relationship with my manager so feel confident we’d work something out. I know im very lucky!! Was hoping to go back to work nxt week but have had a setback. my sis lives 2hrs away and is no longer in a postion to help and I’m reluctant to do ànything without including her.


I honestly feel unless you’ve experienced this you don’t actually understand


Sorry to hear your struggling with work may I ask did you do a phased return initially as that is what I’m considering? If you didn’t maybe is that something your work can support and maybe start slower this time, say just a couple of mornings a week and build slowly from there as and when you feel ready? I understand it’s difficult without support as I live away from my immediate family by some distance but am lucky to have some good supportive friends, is there anyone else a friend or work colleague that could maybe be with you at your meetings to act as moral support for you, it may help you find confidence in being able to articulate what your new needs are for your manager to understand how you can both move forward.