Riding The Waves

Lost my wonderful Mum 14/12/21. My grief is choking me tonight. I generally manage to hold it together for the most part for the sake of my little 2 year old but sometimes, like now, once she’s tucked up safely in bed my “mask” slips and the tears pour out.
I used to be completely inconsolable when I tried to listen to her funeral songs but tonight I forced myself to listen as it is beautiful music and it feels like proof that she has passed and she was real and I’ve not just imagined it all. I know this probably all sounds nuts but thanks for being here for me to let my feelings out to.

Hi vic, I’m so sorry you lost your lovely mum, I lost my mum and dad 4 years ago 5 months between one another, I was devastated mum was my best friend dad was my super hero, but my wonderful husband got me through the grief and loss, then I lost my wonderful husband dec 19th 2021 just over three months ago, I feel so lost, I feel like I have lost half of me, and things will never be the same. I don’t know how to move forward, empty house, empty bed, no one to say bless you when you sneeze. I’m sending you lots of love and healing, life is so very cruel xx


Oh Molly, that’s awful. That was 5 days after my mum. I feel like a little girl pretending to be an adult even though I’m a grown woman. Like I feel if I try my best to cope and prove I’m being good then maybe she’ll come back for me :sob: