Roses. 🌹

Just before my husband died he made new labels for all 150 roses in our garden but didn’t get round to attaching them. They have been staring at me every time I go into the conservatory but as they are handwritten by him I just haven’t been able to finish the job.
This morning I decided that as he had taken so much trouble I really should put them on the roses. It was difficult. Most of them have sentimental names like “Especially For You”, “Precious Time”, etc. But I did it anyway, even though I had to keep sitting on bench and wiping my eyes.
I do actually feel better for it, maybe the fresh air did me good, maybe it was because he would have wanted me to do it, maybe it is because I felt close to him while I was doing it.
We spent a lot of time choosing those roses. :wilted_flower: I had better look after them. Xx


Well done @Willow112

What an achievement.
He’d be so proud of you.

Love and hugs x

Willow well done. That must have been hard. Your garden must be lovely. All those roses. Does working in the garden bring you comfort?

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Yes, it really helps me. I much prefer being outside for some reason. It is sad in a way because I remember when, where and why we chose the roses and other plants. And we always did the garden together but somehow I feel more at peace out there.
I always used to cut a few roses for the house, I would bring them in and test him, to see if he knew which variety each was. He almost always got it right. Now, I still bring some in and talk to him whilst I am putting them in vases.


That’s a lot of roses they must look beautiful and the dead heading must be a full time job.I have 6 beautiful rose bushes and cut some for the house every 3 days ,I feel closer to him in the garden he planted all the roses.


I can understand being more content outside. I hate the quietness of the house. Outside I feel better but I don’t have a garden. Glad you find it beings you some comfort.

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What a lovely thing to do, you must have felt very close to your hubby when you were doing it and in a way it is a legacy that you can now be part of, the roses will need looking after for years to come and the beauty and scent will be wonderful for you. X

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It was seeing his handwriting on the labels that undid me. And the roses have such sentimental names. I could hear him saying the names. Xx


But I am sure you feel better now that you have done it.
Seeing hand writing is a trigger isn’t it, it is so personal. X