
Hi Oreotrio,
Am awake and saw your post.Its so tough going all of is 8 weeks for me since mum passed
3weeks since he funeral.
Still got to sort her house out and eventually put it up for sale
I am plucking up the courage tom to try to sort some of her clothes.She has 4 wardrobes but am only going to attempt to do one.
It will be very emotional
It seems unreal that I am going through all this I often pinch myself just to see if it’s all real. Even the funeral weeks ago is a blur and as for Jan and Feb well I don’t even know what happened to the past two months.To think it’s nearly March and I have cried for two months non stop. Thinking of you Deborah

Awe sorry your not sleeping. I feel tired even when had good night sleep. Its tough ,yes just do abit at a time. I feel the same about the time. Its werid , passing on and not sure where its gone. Hope your ok . I was upset to my self yesterday. Just felt upset that nothing can change . This is it the new life. So sad really . Ive took comfort in robins. Ive seen 3 on separate occasions. Im sure its my Dad. Theres a saying … a robin near is a lost loved one near. Something like that. Im happy after seeing the robin. For a while anyway. X

Hi, I’m new to the group and so sorry to read your sadness. I lost my dad 6 weeks ago now and am really struggling. He was my mum and dad, having cared for his 4 children when my mum left when I was 1. We were very close. He went through 10 years of illness, each year something else was added to the list. He started to go blind 8 years ago and it got progressively worse and he struggled with that. He was in and out of hospital and he hated hospitals. He was such a warrior and brave man, never complaining. He moved in with us and I was his carer for years. The last few he needed lots of care. Hated seeing him like that. He was my best friend and soul mate. Just miss him so much. Like you all, life is so hard and will never be the same. Thinking of you all and sending love xxx

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Hi Nicky. Awe it really is awful. Sorry for your loss. People say time. :roll_eyes: its an adjustment in life that dont want to have to adjust to.
Like a big missing piece xx

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