S*D the new year

I too just want to be with my babies, they are the best therapists we could have and I actually feel lost if I haven’t got mine with me. People even stop me in the street and ask where they are if not with me. which isn’t often. Been offered so much voluntary work but wouldn’t do any of it unless I can take my dogs. Keep pretty busy anyway. Beepa still looks for her Dad over twelve months on. If she sees a man dressed as he used to and with a backpack she runs over to them, only to walk away when she realises it isn’t him. She lies on his chair all day. She adored him although I did all the walking, feeding grooming. I used to say I was only the maid. They do have home sitters here but they visit everyday to walk and feed or can arrange a foster home while your away these might be the better options but I can’t bear the thought of not having them with me. I would be the one lost and alone.
Pat xx

Hi Pat - you know I am not that brave - I also find very hard without Jack but I have been lucky because I was “almost forced” to come but the result has been good and quite healing. - because it is so healing I feel l as anxious and more relaxed
My 2 cats are staying with one of my daughters - maybe be one day I will be brave and will get a dog
Sadie xx

Oh Pat wee Beepa running up to someone who looks like her Dad is :broken_heart: heart breaking. I too did all the grooming, walking etc but Dad was who Daisy adored. I also take her everywhere, hairdressers, nail bar and dog friendly restaurants she is well known around town :grin: I even bought a dog pram so I can take her into shops and not leave her alone but have not used it yet due to the fact that A she doesn’t like it and B folk would think I had totally lost the plot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The mad woman who lost her Mum, her husband and now her marbles :joy:
V x

Hi V, I wouldn’t bother, our babies are more important. I have a neighbour who took her two puppies on the bus in a pram up to town so that she could get them used to everything before they had their jabs. I also have another friend that used to take her elderly dog out in a dog pram because the dog couldn’t walk very far, seen other people out with dog prams also. I am wondering if either of mine would like a pram. Not Beepa I think she would be disgusted but the little one a terrier, Bugsy would love it I think. When I’m working on my allotment he loves to get in the Wheelbarrow and let’s me push him around. He stands with his two front feet on the top and looks like the captain of the ship. He makes other plot holders laugh and one little girl said “Is that the dog that goes around in the wheelbarrow”, when she saw him out. He loves the attention. Yes mine are well known also.
Love Pat xx

Love the thought of Bugsy in the wheelbarrow :rofl::rofl: sounds a right wee character and I am sure they bring you a lot of joy
V xx

Hi Linda, I feel just like you do. I have just lost my hubby 8 weeks ago. we were together 45 years. I am gutted and feel overwelmed with anxiety all the time. I think most people cant understand the depth of greiving unless it has happened to yourself. I know i didnt before. I feel so sad all the time. Its a nightmare just getting through each day.


Jill, this is our paradox - we have to work hard to create a new life that we don’t want or asked for !!! Hopefully life it self will present us with openings that will help us to live well - the pain will be there but we will learn to live with it
Sadie x

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hello again, my friends,
Today, I have my springer spaniel back with me, when I was admitted to hospital, our daughter and her husband came and collected her and took her back with them. They live in the country and Polly loves it, yet, she must have known that something was wrong, apparently, she wasn’t too keen to go.
I felt so sorry for the poor thing, first Stan disappeared, she was his dog really, and then I disappeared, poor Polly wouldn’t know what was going on. Since she came home she has never left my side, it is so lovely to have her back, I have a lovely young couple who come every day to take her for a walk. I pay them of course, it is worth every penny.![wedding%20day%20ms-1|157x187]
oops I have uploaded the wrong photo, obviously this is a wedding, mine and Stan’s 10th September 1960

Glad Polly is home with you again :grin:
V xx

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Thank you V, she is lovely company and she makes me get up in the mornings.x

Mary so pleased you have Polly home again, wished I lived near you, I would love to take Polly out on my long walks with my friendly two. Beepa (mine and Brian’s initials as she came out of a dog pound with no name) and Bugsy. I wouldn’t want paying it would be a pleasure. She must be wonderful company for you, you can’t beat a good dog can you. Their love is wonderful. My two sleep with me and take over the bed but I don’t mind. I can cuddle them.
Pat xxx


Polly jumped into Stan’s “sleepy” chair for the first time since he died, yesterday, I use to tease him that he had only to look at that chair and he would be asleep. Polly used to get by the side of him, I can see both of them now, his huge hand on her head. :heart::heart:


Mary I have exactly the same memories. Brian sat in the armchair in the dining room when he had finished his breakfast and when I came in from walking the dogs Beepa would jump onto his lap. They often went to sleep together later in the day. I have a photo of them both asleep a few months before Brian died. When I lost Brian Beepa would only sleep on his chair throughout the day and wouldn’t leave it to come into the living room with me at night. After over a year she still lies on it all day. I swear she can feel his presence there. My other dog Bugsy, a little black terrier lies on Brian’s chair in the living room all day, perhaps he’s also staying close to his dad. I have asked Brian if he’s turned into a little black dog. Both of them on their respective chairs as I type this. When Brian was deteriorating in his last months Beepa wouldn’t leave his side, yet when it came to his last week she wouldn’t go near him, as soon as he died his chair became hers, not even I sit in it. They know don’t they, they have a rare understanding.
Pat xxx

The last photo I have of Clive is him lying on the sofa with our cat, Chloe. It was the last time managed to come downstairs. Chloe never left his side all through those last days, even fo,losing him to the loo and insisting on going in with him. She wouldn’t let him out of her sight and was still snuggled up to him when he passed. The nurses who were putting in the morphine pump asked me to move her from the bed because “cats aren’t very clean you know”. I just gave them my best Hard Stare and told them that she was staying exactly where she was.

I’ll see if I can upload the photo because, although he was so I’ll, you can see the love in his face for her. He absolutely adored her and she him. I came a very poor second to both of them!

He passed away 3 days after this photo.


Oh my goodness Skywise your husband looks just like mine did while laying on the sofa except he didn’t have a tash or beard?My husband was 67 .

Oh my goodness ladies. It seems we all have our husbands favorite chairs still.Mine is in the corner by the fire .The stuffing has gone out of it now but we wont part with it. I can visualise him asleep in that chair .He really loved it.Jeanette.x

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