S ?

I am finding it hard

You have come to the right place. People on here are very supportive. Going through their own personal grief. X

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Hi Sugerkane, yes everyone on here are going through though times and we all support each other. Somedays are harder than others which we all have and we need each other so we can remember that we are never alone. The heart ache and sorrow we feel when we have lost that very special person is hard to deal with. Try to think of the good times and I hope tomorrow is a better day. Be kind to yourself and do something that you enjoy just to give yourself that little lift. Blessings and take care. S

There are days that are easier than others, as time goes on you will have more of these. The grief is still there but you just learn to cope with it day to day. There are times it will be overwhelming and that’s okay. Ask for help when you need it.


Thank you for your message. It is very hard for me and I find myself crying all the time. I don’t want to do anything at the moment and there are times when I want to do a lot and then I loose interest as my husband not there to share and be pleased for me. He was looking forward to retirement but I was never sure if he really wanted that he may have been lost if he was not busy. I wish so much that he had that chance just to relax and do nothing… I planned so many things not sure he wanted them 60 is too young . Lockdown as given me more time to think if only I could change things. Each day is the same now

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We lost my husband just before lock down, he was too young and we have young children. The plans you didn’t get to fulfill are some of the most difficult to deal with, you feel cheated. The pain of unfulfilled plans does lesson but is still there. I have enlisted friends and relatives to do some of those things with us after lock down, it was to much to face them alone. Planning to do them has given me some peace, maybe a friend can help you do some of yours.

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Barbara that sounds great and you must be well organised to already have your list of what you want to do, go for it, it will help you. Sugarkane, you are finding that lockdown is getting to you and that’s normal in this abnormal world but don’t let it define the new you that you have to become to survive.
Life will pick up but we have to be strong to make it happen. When I soulmate leaves us we have to change who we are, whether we want to or not and right now that’s hard, harder than normal. Yes, if you have friends like Barbara has enlist them into helping you, having people around it hard work but necessary for you to keep going. Life is hard without our our soulmate but life goes on and some how we have to keep going. Don’t worry about crying, it helps. Keep safe both of you. Love S xx

Hi Sugarkane, I an so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband and like mine only a few years off retirement. We too had planned things to keep us busy and lots of lovely holidays but sadly not to be. Just take a day at a time like me. You can’t look forward as you have nothing to look forward to (especially with Covid) and looking back hurts so much, so try and stay in the present. It’s hard to do but it will make it easier for you. If a day too much then an hour.
We are all here for you and chat anytime.
Sending big hugs
Shona x

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Yes I feel down today lockdown will finally end. But life for me will be the same as now. With no one to share going out with seams no point going out no more looking forward to visiting places . My daily walks with the dogs is mainly for them. I love my dogs thank god for them. Being with someone who understands you is so much more. I ask myself so many time why did he go, he was such a good man did anything for everyone he wanted a simple life and asked for nothing. Then I read all these messages from so many people on this site who have lost a love ones, and then I think we all feel the same.

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