Sad predicament

I am in a situation now where I have no remaining family only distant cousins where there is no contact since childhood and I have no children so effectively totally alone. This bothers me that if I died suddenly the state would have my property and arrange a funeral which I don’t really want. Obviously Jim had been my executor and so now I don’t have one. Work have asked me for a next of kin and I don’t have one. Is anybody else in this situation? and how did you deal with it. I have never in my life asked anyone for advice before, as I always had Jim by my side from age of 10 so any ideas would be appreciated


You need a will and a funeral plan. My executor is now the solicitor who holds my will. They will hold your will for free and their costs as executors comes out of your estate.


Oh I didn’t know a solicitor could be an executor? That’s useful thank you … I haven’t looked or thought about any of this until my work bought it up and asked me who I now nominate for my pension if I die whilst still employed. I had enough to deal with grieving but know I need to sort it out, thanks

Did you put all this in place straight after your husband passed? I hadn’t been able to think about it. I have heard about direct cremation but again not looked into it

We had mirror wills held by the solicitor but should both of us have died at the same time the solicitor would become the executor so now when I die they automatically become my executor. I realised when planning my husbands funeral as he wanted t that no one knew what I wanted so I asked the funeral directors that did his to come up and they have arranged my funeral plan according to my wishes. The bulk of it will be paid for. Before I retired I was a project manager so it comes naturally. A copy of my will and funeral plan are in the house where people can find them. As per next of kin no help. I have my brother. But otherwise a very close friend? Or even a charity?


My husband died June 2023.


Thanks. I will have to ask a friend re next of kin. I’m not that bothered about what happens to me but I don’t want the state getting their hands on my home. Jim never made a will so there were lots of complications there but his 2 boys were his next of kin so I didn’t get a say in any of his affairs. I don’t like drama so just walked away from it all. They can put me out with the recycling lol

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@Sarlyn I am not in your position but my understanding is, you can nominate anyone as your executor providing they agree to it (friend, neighbour, work colleague). You can state in your will your wishes as well as the financial side. Not sure if it’s the same in England but in Scotland we have power of attorney. You appoint someone (again can be anyone) to be in charge of your affairs if you become unable through accident, illness stroke etc. There are 2 levels, care & financial. It can be just the first or both. Hope this helps.


I hadn’t a clue you could nominate a solicitor as an executor so that’s a start as I need to redo my will now my Jim has passed and also a funeral plan and at the moment because I have no family I will opt for this direct cremation which I also need to look into. I learnt from my Jim’s passing the importance of doing this as he didn’t make one, I guess at 62 he felt he was too young to do it but nobody knows what’s round the corner.
Thank you


Does the state automatically get your house if no Will … thought it went to probate ? Then next of kin get it … that was my understanding ?

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I don’t have family. I have a friend - who is my best friend - and has been for 25 years. After my hubby passed away I have spoken to her about putting her forward as my executor. I had also had this conversation with my hubby.
That is the thing I miss, talking things through with him.
We knew I would outlive him.
His wishes for me were:
Look after myself.
Enjoy the rest of my life.
Make sure I get things sorted out for myself, so things are in place when I pass.

The other thing he usd to say to me, and really laugh afterwards.
Where we live is a bloke who he didn’t like. Apparently this guy really likes me. I don’t like him that way, plus he doesn’t even come close to my hubby.

He told me, you can find someone else, you don’t want to be on your own for the next 25 - 30 years. If you end up with him, I will haunt you every day.

He would then look at me, laugh and tell me he loves me. God I miss him.