
Sad sitting on my own without my husband on our 5th anniversary :cry:


Feel for you

Big hugs x x


Thank you :blush: it’s been really lonely and today of all days xx


Hi @Judy10

I do know how you feel. It was our 12th anniversary the week after the funeral

I did go out with my granddaughter but it was still lonely.

Hope you’re ok

Send’ng love and a big hug

Liz x x


Sending a big hug x


Yeah it’s horrible being without our husbands and I’m struggling to fight :disappointed: hope you had a nice time going out xx


Sending a big hug xx

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It was lovely. But I still broke my heart when I got home.
I’m at 21 weeks now and still struggling. People say I’m doing well.
Maybe I am but the pain never goes and I think of him constantly


People keep telling me i’m doing really well & how do I find the strength & the truth is i’m not doing well & u seem to just find the strength to face each day! I think people say it because it makes them feel better! There always seems to be something, an anniversary, a birthday, a reason to miss them more! Until u have lost your soul mate no one can understand the heartbreak & how carrying on is crippling but we have to, we have to fight to survive, for us & our person we lost x


Hi @Mazzarat
Im 21 weeks now, and like you outwardly I am doing well.
But I am not strong and I’m not ok.
But I promised my husband I would be ok, he told me to carry on living, and I will, for him, and for me x

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Hi @Liro
You are strong because u have kept going when I know there will have been days when u would have just wanted to hide in bed & wait for the day to be over! Facing the world is so overwhelming but we have to keep moving & remember it’s our worlds that have fallen apart not the world that keeps going & we have to try to keep up as hard as that is! X


Oh yes, it would be so easy to turn over and bury myself under the covers. But I haven’t yet and hope I don’t.
I force myself out sometimes and get on abd do something. And I think it does help.
I am getting better know, but I cry daily and miss him so badly x

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Until u have this experience u don’t believe it is possible to miss anybody this much, so much it hurts like a physical pain, so much u feel u can’t breath! This is something u can’t explain to someone until they feel it themselves! But we are the warriors because we are facing each day, its a slow process but one day we will feel something other than saddness & emptyness I am sure of it x


Your words fill me with hope x

Im just over 7 weeks :sleepy: and found out my husband had cancer and he was going to die anyway and the cardiac arrest caused by blood clot and I’ve found the news even more upsetting and I feel like I’ve gone back to the start of my nightmare. I had a falling out with my daughter because she said i wasn’t trying to get myself together and it’s been 7 weeks and what do people want from me and i feel the same as you all. I’m getting up and doing bit’s because my son needs me but most of the times i just sit and do nothing and i have no enjoyment out of anything. But we must be strong because we get up every day and sending hugs :hugs: to you all xx


Oh @Judy10

I feel your pain. There,s nothing I can say except I’m sorry and I’m thinking of you.

Sending hugs x

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So sorry,

Big hug xx


No one understands until they have been there,seven weeks is no time at all and it’s very insensitive to suggest you get yourself together.It will take as long as it takes go easy on yourself.


So sorry - know exactly how you must be feeling - our anniversary was on 1st July :broken_heart:
big hugs :hugs: :hugs: xx