
I thought that i could perhaps get some comfort from the loss of my wife after 51 years i have tried pretty much all the bereavement help line with no success i realy thought that i could gain some comfort as even though she passed at the end of November even now i find it very distressing when i think how sudden and cruel to lose someone so quickly


Dear Sadnow, I lost my beloved husband suddenly this February on Valentine’s Day. I gave him my card and presents and three hours later he left me behind existing in this horrible nightmare. We were married for 15 years and two months but together for about 26 years. We were even working in the same office for a while. It is horrible to be on our own and have no one to talk to and have a good laugh. We were always holding hands and now I only holding my cushion tight. Did you go to see a doctor and ask for counseling? Sending lots of love and hugs.

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Hi yes i did talk to doctors i got texts back with links to cruse contact them they really weren’t interested it seem before 6 months you are pretty much on your own.
I tried everthing but without success i sunk deeper in depression that i could not carry on i was crying all the time i felt so alone my whole world had been torn appart.
It was only my daughter who has been going thru cancer treating that she convinced me for her sake and my son that we can work together.
I have good days then all of a sudden i hit rock bottom just crying all day


I sometimes get carried away within my own problems, you have been devoted husband to lose someone especially on valentines day must have been awful
You are right it is a horrible nightmare that people dont understand they say thing get easier as times go by so far the pain for me is still there
Sending you loadsof hugs x


I know that dreaded feeling of hitting rock bottom all of a sudden. I have my husband’s urn upstairs in our bedroom. I hug and cuddle him and talk to him. Sometimes I am crying, sometimes I smile. I still have to contact the surgery about bereavement counseling. I hope that they can give me any advice. I am glad that you have support from your children. And I hope that your daughter is getting better soon and she will be soon cancer-free. Sending you lots of love and hugs, and an extra hug for your daughter.


As i hit a blank with grief councillor services i did have some help with age uk bereavement i have joined a small group meet every 3 weeks. I nkow that doesn’t work for everyone but perhaps they can give some support. We had many friends and colleagues who regularly visited but now nothing
I was recommended a book which is worth reading from Reverend Richard coles The madness of grief.
I must admit i was very hesitant but now into 3rd chapter it realy gives a superb insight into his grief, big hugs from me and Cheryl


Grief is such a terrible thing isnt it ? It really is ! And so awful for the loved ones left behind ! All this pain we have to carry :frowning: because we are now apart from the person we loved most in the whole world !!! x

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After the terrible trauma of losing my wife so suddenly nothing can prepare you for the pain and loneliness many younger people really dont understand what grief is in a word hell.
It never gets easier yes sometimes talking and counselling can help but its olny a short term fix the cure is within our hearts


Yeh i agree thst young people dont understand the pain ! But some are certainly more empathetic than others ! I found the girl next door who knew my husband - much more sympathetic to me than my own kids ! Shame on them i say because if their father was here he would give them a whack ! He would be so ashamed of them ! :frowning: x


My youngest daughter was only interested i what she could get her hands on even her daughter stole from her before she was taken ill when over a ÂŁ1000 of jewelry when missing and money from my wifes accounts
But my oldest daughter and son have been a tower of strength if my mother could see them now she would disown them
I feel let down from family but especially neighbours and close friends who have all ignored me
Perhaps its a male thing and they think we are strong and can cope very wrong sometimes i cry myself to sleep from the pain


i know how you feel and until you’ve been thro a loss like ours no one can understand how empty and sad life has become. Some days I feel quite desperate and others not so bad. It will be a year next month since my husband died and I wish I was coping better.
There is no easy solution just try and keep going day to day
Hope you start to feel better soon thinking of you.


No its a prople thing ! Im a woman and had little compassion from my own damn family ! I give up on human race tbh !! X

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If it wasn’t for my daughter who is bravely fighting cancer i can draw on her strength to overcome what life has given her i would have given up on life sometimes i just think it is not worthwhile to continuously endure the heart break.