Saying goodbye to Mum

Recently lost my Mum after a lengthy illness. Still coming to terms with this though we knew it was coming. My Dad passed nearly 20 years ago, so Mum did really well.
Missing them both.


I’m very sorry for your loss. Both my parents have left me as well and it’s a scary feeling. Nothing remotely like anything I ever felt and I still can’t wrap my head around it. Sending hugs. :heart:

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@loggiemod hi, sorry for your loss. My dad died 24 years ago and my mum 3 weeks ago. I have no parents either… Feel very lonely. Sending warm hugs your way. xx

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Hi @loggiemod, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. I lost my mum in 2019 and my Dad in December 2023. It is a lonely and scary feeling. Sending hugs xx

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Thank you Ulma @Ola13 @Yellow3 for your kind thoughts. We all get through this together.


I’ve just read your posts and can relate as exactly the same. It’s a very strange feeling now. Like you’ve been cut loose and have nothing to connect to. But we still keep going. As they say the only thing to do when you’re in hell is keep walking. People keep saying to get over it and move on but it difficult when it feels there is nothing to connect to. We can only be strong and navigate this new path as our new normal. All your posts were so special as we know others feel the same. Sending you all strength.


It’s been just over two years since I lost my Mum and nearly 25 years since I lost my Dad and I can still feel like I’m a little girl again who’s lost them in a shop, only I know there’ll be no reunion.


My mum died 8 weeks ago and my dad 3 years ago, miss them both so much and have never felt as alone as I do now. xx

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It really does feel like that. I keep wondering “where are you” like I could find them if I looked hard enough. :broken_heart:

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@Ola13 how awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so raw for you right now.

I lost mine 9 weeks apart. Dad died In Jan 24, mum in Nov 24. Grief totally sucks and I hate it.

Sending strength and a virtual hug :people_hugging:. Reach out if youbwant to chat. Rob x

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so raw for you right now. Such a strange feeling to lose a parent, even after illness.

I lost mine 9 weeks apart. Dad died In Jan 24, mum in Nov 23. I’m just free wheeling though as best I can.

Sending strength and a virtual hug :people_hugging:. Reach out if you want to chat. Rob x

Thanks all for your kind thoughts