Saying goodbye

My beloved dad is entering the last stages of his life, having been diagnosed with prostate cancer 12 years ago. It’s now in his bones. He’s been at home but my mum is unable/unwilling to have him at home anymore so he is awaiting a place in a nursing home or hospice.
I can’t bare the thought of him being taken from his house to die somewhere else. I don’t know how one copes in world without their dad. I also have to support my mum, a very difficult lady, and my 2 adult offspring who have no one else to lean on and I can’t cope with it.
My partner tries to be supportive, both of his parents died suddenly, so although he understands grief he doesn’t understand this helpless feeling of dealing with a slow death.


Hi Mockingbird, you are going through a dreadful time, I have experience of both sudden and long protracted deaths, both my parents died suddenly, but my husband died from pancreatic cancer after a few months, and I found my husband’s death much more difficult to cope with, my husband was in aSue Ryder hospice, and their kindness and care to both my husband and myself was incredible, so if you can get a place in a hospice go for it, they support all the family, whatever you decide the next little while won’t be easy, accept all help offered, sending love Jude xx