Saying hi !

Hi all I hope you are all coping well. I am new hear and have recently lost my beautiful daughter. She was a very young adult and was my best friend. I’m a little lost and just wanted to reach out on this platform.


You have reached out to the right place, a place we never thought we would be in. We all help each other with our pain. Little steps is all I can say and keep messaging on here. X

I recently lost my son suddenly I never new you could feel pain like this and I feel angry I feel all sorts of emotions I don’t understand

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I lost my son last January. Today is his widows birthday and this time last year we were by his bedside waiting for him to recover from his surgery. I bought her a little gift from the hospital gift shop and told her he would get her something nice once he recovered. He didn’t recover :disappointed:

Hi I totally can relate… I’m very sorry for your loss and can offer you someone you can understand your pain. I lost my daughter early Dec and the pain is indescribable. She passed away in our home and now I have to carry on in the same home without her. I am lost…

I meant to say that I lost my daughter

Joahna2 so sorry for your loss I think it’s the shock that gets you first then as you say unbearable pain you must be so distraught that it happened at home I am trying to be strong to help my husband and other adult children to cope do you have other children if you do they will need you won’t they

Hi I hope today gives you strength. Renèe was my only child and the only grandchild. Its so sad as I always keep ssying out loud that I miss her so much just in case she is listening. I know it sounds silly but I would tell her that I loved her every day.
She wanted to die at home. It was her dying wish. Cancer. I gave her wish now wake each day not knowing how to do this. Today was a bad day for me. The grief is hitting me hard and as much as I’m trying to put on a brave face I’m so upset.

Johanna2. I hope you are managing to be strong I am so sorry you lost your only daughter it must be so hard for you my son died unexpectedly just shut his eyes and went to sleep never woke up I never got to say goodbye that hurts so much he was 47 my first born I hope it gets easier to remember him you saying you talk to your daughter I do that with my son Iv found putting things down on paper how I feel sometimes helps me it was 2 weeks on Saturday that my son died and I don’t no we’re those weeks went they are just a blur thinking of you lizz