Scam calls

Just a quick warning. Probably nothing to do with recent bereavement.
We are all suffering from brain fog and probably doing all the “sadmin”, ringing banks and utilities, etc.
I just had a recorded message claiming that some unauthorised payments to Amazon and an overseas account for several thousand pounds. Then you are told to press 1 or 2. If this happens to you, Hang Up!
I don’t know what payments he made with his card prior to death, and in my current state of mind it would have been easy to press 2 “for support”. Luckily, I didn’t.
Be on your guard. We are easy pickings right now.


There are some vile people around! Xx


Gosh how awful these scammers can be - thank you for sharing - will keep being vigilant x


My friend had the same call yesterday.
She hung up.

If in doubt hang up.

X x


My mum gets calls like that all the time. We screen the phone and if it’s a weird number we let it go to voicemail. But sometimes when they ring the number shows up as a local number, with the same area code as ours.