Scared of staying in the house alone

Since my mum passed away I’m scared to stay in the house alone. I’ve had two panic attacks both times and ended up ringing 999. Does anyone have any coping ideas or advice to help me be less afraid.

Thanks in advance


Hi Kelly

I m sorry to read about your Mum and how frightened you are feeling at the moment at home. You don’t say but did you live with her? It is a horrible and frightening time all round when someone passes away. Panic attacks are going make that even worse for you. Can you get an emergency appointment with your doctor, if you are having to dial 999 it is an emergency. Your doctor can help you work out coping mechanisms and possibly some mild sedative help for you.

I lived with my Mum and hated going home to an empty house after she passed away. I found going for long walks and keeping out of the house worked. I walked until I was exhausted and then went home as was able to sleep then. Chamomile tea is also good for relaxing. I find it not very nice tasting but it is soothing. Also a bath with Lavender oil in works well.

Other people will have other ideas hopefully but you take good care of yourself.


I live with my brothers and my mum lived here as well. I’m fine when someone is here with me but it’s just when I’m completely alone. I’m waiting to hear back about CBT as I referred myself last week.

I’m going back to work tomorrow and I’m dreading it

Can you get some extra time off work if you really feel you cannot manage it? Returning to the workplace is a big hurdle to get through, even a timed return might help with a later start and earlier finish time.

I am glad to see you have brothers living with you though sounds as if they are not very supportive.

Hi, I think I’ll feel better if I go back. I’m sure I’ll be ok after today

I will be thinking of you today and willing you on. You can do it and you will be fine. Don’t worry if you have a few wobbles, it is only natural. The first day back is the worst, everyone will be pleased to see you back I am sure.

Good luck


I feel like people are awkward at work now and it’s making me feel worse. I’ve just had a panic attack at work. Was horrible

Hi kel,

I went back to work this week and cried in front of my colleagues both days.
They are going to have to get used to it because I’ve been crying for nearly 4 months and I cant see it stopping soon.
I have told everyone that i cry, cant stop and that they wont have upset me by anything they will have said or done. Thus is the new me and will be for some time.
On the other hand, it’s good to be back at work and I feel that I am at least integrating myself back into society.
I hope this week has been ok for you x

Hi, so sorry you’re feeling like this but completely understand. I’ve nearly had a couple of panic attacks & feel crippled with anxiety just now. I find music, walking in nature/forests/beach helpful & there’s an app called simple habit which has some breathing/meditation under the heading of sos for panic attacks. There’s also some other good meditation apps which can be helpful. I’ve also tried things like baking/making nice comfort food which again might help. Sending a big hug xx

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I’ve been in contact with a grief counselling team so I’m going to give it a try