
my sister & dad went to a seance earlier this month, apparently my grandparents gave dad a message to say they’re not happy with the way he’s treating me, & he should do the right thing. I bet he wasn’t happy with that, his parents defending me from the grave. I’m surprised there was nothing from mom, but I’m sure it she’d of come through, she would have had something to say about the way dad’s been acting too.
I miss my mom very much, I’m thinking I would like to find a psychic to talk to her.
Has everyone else been to a seance? Or had a message from a passed loved one?

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That’s amazing! How did your dad react to that message?

I’m guessing he wasn’t pleased.

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@Pandaprincess I don’t wish to discount your point of view. To each their own, but I’m not sure you will gain anything from a seance except a lighter pocket.
I would also urge those in emotional distress using this forum to think twice about giving money to people who may be frequenting forums such as this for the purpose of a quick pound or two at someone else’s emotional and financial expense.


Hi I found your post very interesting, I have had several readings since my Husband passed, all of them offering evidence of our life together and of me now and my life.
I notice Blake had commented about losing money to psychics etc, I totally agree it can be the case , I could have struck lucky, some people can take advantage of vulnerability, so please be careful. X

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@Ivy1 please note I did not use the term psychics.

I said :
“think twice about giving money to people who may be frequenting forums such as this for the purpose of a quick pound or two at someone else’s emotional and financial expense.”

Sorry my mistake, I agree with your opinion, though have only had good experience myself, there are no doubt people out there who aren’t as kind as they could be.

After my aunty passed, my mom started going to seances, from what she told me at the time, she only ever had positive experiences, & felt better for it. When we are all struggling with grief, you can’t put a price on the things that do make you feel better, money well spent in my opinion.