Seeing loved ones in chapel of rest

Looking at a loved one cold and motionless is not for the faint hearted but I made myself go to see my partner at the funeral home 5 days after he had passed. I held his hand and said my goodbyes then stepping back I felt the most wonderful warm glow and felt him hugging me. This feeling stayed with me for some time afterwards. I believe the spirit lives on and this was very comforting to me and I still feel him around me even now after his funeral.


Yes - like I said, everyone is different. I wanted to share my positive experience. We all make the right decisions we can in what are truly awful times x


Thank you for your words-
I find reading your story comforting. In today’s society, we generally don’t feel death near us-and when it happens, you don’t really know what to do,
we are not used to it and we are never really, ready.
I spent weeks away from outside world,stopped work,not going out at all,just eating anything I find and lying in tears.During that horrible period, the memory of looking after him after death remained comforting,which I found odd at the same time.

In our culture it is said that the spirit stays around for 49 days before
going graduallly, where they go.
That day is coming very soon-and funnily I’m feeling rather fine these days.
I think that deep,dark, intense experience helped me to resurface-after about 49 days.
Also I like to think that the way I feel resonate with the way he is now,
I feel peaceful, because he is, at peace too.

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