Sending best wishes to us all

We are all in this group together. We have lost people we loved and cared for very much . I found this time of the year extremely difficult. While people around me are all buzzing for Christmas.
I lost my dad suddenly 3years ago on the 28th December. Then I lost my mum back in January on the 4th . We were away for dads anniversary and she had a stroke on the anniversary of dads death and was taken to Norfolk hospital, due to covid we weren’t allowed to see her , until they said there was no more they could do .
I have inherited their dog pickle and her Christmas carrot !
So I would like to say. Best wishes to us all and at this difficult time I hope pickle and her carrot make you smile :blush:


Hi @Bec49,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

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Hello @Bec49 & Pickle,

Thank you for your kind wishes and support. I send you strength in your loss and I’m sure you’ll be looking after one another as you try to find a bit of peace in the next weeks and months. There was certainly a smile and aah @Rainbow xxx

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Thank you Bec49, So sorry for your losses. Animals bring us so much comfort, especially during these difficult times. Christmas used to be so bright and festive, until I lost my Mum and little Sister, now it is just a sad reminder of happier times lost forever. I wish you and everyone here grieving a loved one, peace and solace. Take care , Xxx
And yes Pickle and her carrot brought a smile, thank you both.