
I have created this new conversation ‘September’ because it has been mentioned quite a lot in posts recently.
I know that after the 4th, my over-thinking mind is going to play havoc with me. I wish I could join our friendly hedgehog. Before that we have a Bank Holiday to get through.

Just had a nice bit of news for September … my step granddaughter is taking part in a ballet in Birmingham on the 1st, and I am invited and being taken to see it.


His 50th in Sept, our anniversary October, 1st Christmas without him, 1 year anniversary January. I may go find a cave and hibernate!

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Good idea a cave to hibernate!

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Perhaps we could one big cave and all go and hibernate in it. Take it in turns to keep the others safe.

Find it best not to think about anything apart from ‘today’. Thinking ahead, just creates more anxiety and depression. Keep in the moment, the best way I believe. xx

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Would of been our 26th wedding anniversary in September 3rd and 9th as had a blessing in Florida. My husband 54th birthday on the 4th September. We had our first holiday in September camping in France and our last holiday in September in Sorrento Italy. I miss my husband so much and dreading the 18th December the one year mark :broken_heart:


Yes I have to face 29 Sep the day I lost Zeki.Earlier I said on another post Zeki was the light of my life and the light went out and I am left in a dark cold world I don’t like.
However Rosemary I’m so pleased you have something lovely to look forward to
Hugs and love