Shielding, Lockdown and Loss

My wife was first diagnosed with incurable ovarian cancer in September 2019. She endured surgery and chemotherapy but the cancer quickly kept coming back . She fought and fought but finally succumbed on 28th February 2021. We were lucky to have the 2 and a bit years together after her diagnosis. To start with you wouldn’t have known she was ill. We started shielding due to Covid over a year ago and never really stopped due to her vulnerability. As if dealing with the cancer wasn’t bad enough.

Now I am alone and trying to get back my life back on track. We did everything together and I miss her terribly.

Your story is similar to mine, my wife was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2017, she had an operation to remove a chunk of her bowel, but in 2018 it came back and she had more bowel removed. In 2019 the cancer had moved to her ovaries, so these were removed, then in 2020 the cancer reoccured in her peritoneal. This was inoperable, we were hoping to be able to have a mataintance level of chemo, but after two sessions it was decreed that the tumour wasn’t responding to treatment. All treatment was then stopped and she died a few days later.
She endured all those operations, all those chemotherapy sessions, all those hospital visits, all those months stuck at home shielding, all the be positive and strong crap and she still died.
I’m not sure how we get our life back on track, but I hope we all do so eventually.

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Thanks for your reply Richard. You are right, your experience is very similar to mine and I appreciate you sharing it with me. My wife finished her second lot of chemo just before lockdown 1 and then they tried the maintenance stuff to but to no avail. She started on a 3rd lot of chemo at the start of December last year but it made her really ill and she was never the same. She couldn’t eat in the end and just faded away. I hope you reclaim some of the life you used to have. I am determined to do the same.

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Whilst we all had different routes to get here, you will find that we are now all travelling the same path, I hope you are able to continue to read and post on the topics on here