Signs from beyond

9 days, it’s been 9 days since you died but because we argued I haven’t seen you for 18 days. I hate this. I hate doing everything without you. Everyone else’s life carries on as normal. I’ve had to deal with grief in the past but this is a different type of grief.
Why did you leave me?
I went into a shop yesterday and I’m sure you were sending me signs…
first I heard some kid talking about Spain,
then I heard my name
then the artist to a song you sent me once to say you were missing me came on over head (you were in Spain when you sent it to me).
I know not everyone believes in this sort of stuff, but I do…it gives me comfort
Please send me more signs x


I believe in all this stuff


The songs i can agree with you only been four months I’ve had a few of these moments gone into places even in the car and a specific song has came on.


4 years ago my kids dad died , we’d be separated for 7 years.
14 years ago I had twins and one of my angels died 2 days old

On the first anniversary of my kids dad death there were 2 feather like clouds in the sky, one big and one small, next to each other like they were holding hands. there were no other clouds

It comforts me to think they were both up there together looking down saying…hey we’re ok. X


Morning all off for my counselling will pop back in later x


I found a letter my wife had written for me ten years ago when she thought she wouldn’t make it after a big operation.
She told me to not let this stopping me from enjoying life as i’m only in my fifties, well I’m now in my late sixties and can’t see myself starting another relationship.
I’ve been to see a Medium which was full of many truths,one being that she will send me a sign. A small feather appeared between the antlers of a stag on the mantlepiece was the feather one.
But the one she told me to look for at the bottom of the letter she wrote will be the one.
The Medium told me when I’m next walking along a beach to look to the sky and my sign will be there,not been to the beach but when i do i will.
When it happens i will post it.


I’ve been out three times in the car in the last couple of days, and each time they’ve played Karma Chamaeleon on the radio, just as I was leaving the house. One of Mary’s favourite songs and artists! And one we got to see on a lovely weekend in Bournemouth, staying in Anne Hathaway’s cottage! Coincidence - I don’t think so!

Take care, Nigel xxx


When my mother died there were lots of signs. I haven’t felt my husband’s presence at all. Only had two dreams in 16 weeks with him in it. But I would love to feel him close by.


I do believe it too!
In my rose garden, usually all my roses blossom so beautifully in the summer all at the same time. We had ‘Sagittarius’ (my star sign) and ‘Virgo’ (his star sign) rose trees among others.
In the week of his birthday in September I woke up and could not believe my eyes: the Virgo roses blossomed beautifully - but none of the others did! I believed wholeheartedly then that was his way of letting me know he was happy :heart:


The morning my wife Carol died, the weather was awful. It was around 9am and blowing a gale with horizontal rain. My wife had died just 4 hours earlier and I was clearing her room at the Hospice. as I was walking to the car the low November sun came under the black clouds and created a rainbow., a full rainbow with a pot of gold at both ends. My wife loved rainbows. When ever she saw one she would get her camera or phone and try to capture it. I had never seen such a rainbow before or in such bad conditions.
I chose to brave the wind and rain and walk down the riverside before heading home, all the time looking back at the rainbow. The weather finally got the better of me and I turned back, the rainbow still clear in the sky. I watched it all the while I walked back to the car. I started the drive home with the rainbow clear in the door mirror. Altogether that rainbow was visible for over 20 minutes.
Was this a sign from my darling Carol. I like to thing so. A sign that said that she was ok and that I had to continue to seek for our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Keep watching for the signs, they are there.
May you be safe, may you find peace, may you be well, may you be happy.


Your partner is definitely with you and they are signs from your partner there is no coincidence, speak there name talk to them they can hear you they are gone in Flesh n bone only but there spirit and soul are energy and energy can not die your partner has just changed form from human on earth to spirit now on his spiritual journey in the heavens above where it is so beautiful there’s no pain just pure joy and love :heart: and from the spiritual realm our loved ones come back to earth to see us. Carry on talking to him hes listening. X god bless you


I talk to him all the time. I reach my hand out when I’m sitting down to touch him like I did when he was alive. I feel his energy around me. It gives me comfort. I went to the chapel of Rest today to spend a couple of hours with him. I envisioned him standing in the room with me…he was telling me not to be sad. I was talking to him… through crying…like he was alive, there was so much I needed and wanted to tell him. I know a lot of people feel uncomfortable doing this, but for me it gives me comfort xxx


There’s so many things we can’t explain and don’t think we suppose to explain. The secrets of life and death. I had 3 parcels arrive in January 1 was a flask, 2nd was a draugh stopper and the third was a themomiter. I threw away a draugh stopper in 24 it mum had bought it. I never ordered these and my name was on the parcels. I still can’t explain these parcels even now. I do belong to a spirit group on FB and have quite a few sessions via video messenger. I was told things happen in 3s, I want to believe like everyone else and to know mum is with me would really help me so much.


Thats beautiful that your partner is talking to you this is exactly what they say to us who
Are left on earh they don’t want us sad they are in a happy place better place than us he knows he will ser you again my son often tells me to stop crying because they are ok don’t worry about them they are safe and we will be reunited when our time comes. If you want to learn more about where they go when the die watch near death experience on YouTube ive learnt so much. God bless you :pray:


I do,my partner was a clairvoyant medium,he didnt make any money he just gifted people some peace…I often can smell scents etc and a cool breeze not scary but comforting…so accept what you believe it was and embrace the lovely feeling it gave you…not everybody has to believe its what a individual believes …your not going mad :people_hugging:


Thanks for that Annabelle

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