Signs that your loved one is near

Hi There
My partner died suddenly I found he had passed in the morning from heart failure.
Neither of us had any idea he had it… he was going to visit his 101 year old dad the morning I found him 6 months and 8 days ago…Apart from the daily struggles of losing your best friend and soul mate… has anyone on here experienced any signs that there spirit or energy could be around… The first two nights he had passed I slept in his room and lights would flash on and off so would the TV 3 weeks later I felt like someone was
Stroking my hair in bed which awoke me I thought! But I turned over and my partner was next to me saying I’m okay but I have a beard which I thought strange… it didn’t worry me just gave me comfort… then a few
Days later whilst asleep I felt like someone was
Pressing there body behind me which scared me a bit… had anyone else experienced anything similar ?
Sorry for everyone’s loss it’s so hard…if it wasn’t for family and friendsI don’t know how I would have got through these last 6


Hello @Ilovehorses

It’s almost 10 months since l lost my beloved husband. I’ve looked constantly for signs that he is nearby, but apart from the alarm on the clock he used to have on his desk suddenly going off in the middle of the night, not having ever being used as an alarm clock, there wasn’t much that l could point to as being a sign until one morning just after New Year. I would swear that his arms were round me as l was waking up. I felt such peace for a few minutes and didn’t want to move until the feeling passed. The day that followed was the calmest day l’ve had since he died. I dearly hope it was my darling man letting me know he is still here somewhere.

Sending you a hug x


@Ilovehorses oh most definitely. I have had many signs. Initially I had nothing but saying that I used to hear him really clearly in my head but I believe that was just me thinking what he would say but now, nearly a year, I have had too many to explain away through coincidence. Things that I’ve never experienced before and things that were brought up by a medium I saw, after his death. Too much to question. It doesn’t happen when I am looking for it but when I need it, if that makes sense.
Yes, I definitely feel him around, he’s definitely keeping an eye on me and the days I feel him around gives me a really nice comforting feeling for a while.


Ahh that’s exactly how I felt with the hair stroking really calm a friend told me it was a visitation dream.

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Sending you hugs x

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Hi Ali
I’m glad I’m not alone with these signs… when I mentioned them to my dr she just said I’m probably sleep
Deprived… but I’m not too sure… I’m also aware of a picture in one room that keeps moving to the right and I know my OH didn’t want any pictures put up on that specific wall… I guess we will never know but if it brings us comfort that’s good enough for me x


Hi @Ilovehorses i have had two dreams where i think it was my partner. My first dream was the night before the celebrant came to see me to talk about Dave ready for his funeral. I was very unsure if i wanted to write anything personally from me to be read out. I had gone to bed and during my sleep i saw someone like a white ghost like figure hovering over me trying to put their hands on my face i woke up screaming as it scared me. I cried myself back to sleep and then woke up and thought i need to write something for daves funeral from me so at 3am in the morning i scribbled it all down what i wanted to say about my darling dave.
The other day i was funding things really difficult and when i went to bed i felt someones arms around me from behind just like dave used to.
I hope these were signs from him as on both occasions i really needed him. As you said it gave me comfort xx


Mabe we
Are both experiencing visitation dreams…
I’ve never really been interested in anything spiritual before until this happened…
I have a dog he also keeps looking at the stairs and barking at something every now and again but I can’t see anything that he is looking at I really hope it is him keeping an eye on me… x


I’m so sorry for your loss, but I also envy you. I so wish I could experience the things you did, just a sign from my beloved wife would help, but all I have is emptiness and a great feeling of loss.


@Ian6 i am so sorry for your loss i have always had vivid dreams which i could always recall but now even though i have had those dreams i can only remember snippets of them.
I completely understand the emptiness you feel. It is a horrible feeling and the loss of our loved ones is so great and all we want is them back with us.


Thank you for your reply. It’s good to know that people are experiencing the same as myself. I would give anything for my wife to be with me right now. Life is just so pointless without my darling Lindi here

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My darling was only here until Boxing day and then was rushed to hospital. Her Christmas presents are still where she left them and everywhere I go my wife is there with reminders, but I just can’t see her.

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They are going to be with us in our hearts and our memories and it is so sad. I have not moved anything of daves his motorbike boots are by the front door his helmet is where he always put it and i do take comfort from that as i know im not ready to move anything yet it has only been 10 weeks and i want those reminders of him.

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When you move your loved ones things it feels like you’re pushing them away. My wife wanted all her things to go to charity and I feel I’m letting her down by not following her wishes so far. However I need to feel her close even though it hurts so much.


@Ian6 i think you will know when the time is right to follow your wifes wishes and at the moment you need to hold onto her things so she is still close to you.

My darling is always close to me, in my heart and very being, but i just don’t know if I’m strong enough to handle anything in the future. We were always honest and open about everything, made decisions together and live our lives in our own way. We retired and life was a playground filled with love and laughter. Our final decision was to buy this new home and we had so many plans for the future. Now they’ve all been robbed and the world is just a cess pool with nothing to offer.


I get it. Why were we matched up with such a loving partner only to have all our future PERFECT plans to be ruined by a too soon death.
It’s been 10 years and i still yearn to be with him

I want my life with him!!!

IT SUCKS, and i am so angry

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Yes, it does suck in a huge way and I too share your anger. Perhaps it would help if we could direct our anger at something, but who? They say it was better to have known such a wonderful partner and to have shared their lives with them, but they just don’t realise that because it was so wonderful it hurts beyond the limits of understanding.


Hi Ian
I’m so sorry I too feel
Like I’ve been robbed and get quite angry watching older couples enjoying each others company…all my neighbours are in there 80s… My partner Chris and I literally just finished installing a new kitchen and wood burner and we’re both looking forward to snuggling up to it… but I found he had passed away in the night… It’s so hard the emptiness and have nothing to look forward to .his dad died 3 months after him at 101 .we always planned at
Least two holidays a year… he has been gone 6 months now I still have his ashes in the bedroom and all his clothes… I lost my dad at 61 and my mum aged 64 and now my Chris at 68 I’m only 58 I’m always saying why me…

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I think all these feelings are part of the grieving process…I do get fed up with people expecting me to feel better… the truth is we will never get over the loss of our loved ones part of me died I just don’t feel like the same person anymore.