
Hi my mum passed 10 days ago and I have found pure white feathers very near my back door on several days since she passed. She believed in white feathers coming from loved ones and collected the ones she found. I asked her if she would send me a sign when she left us and she said yes I am really sure the feathers are from her. My mood just changes when I find one and it helps me to get through the next hour and day as my grief is so raw at the moment I am struggling with each day . Also on the day she died and approx 3 days later things suddenly happened in her house with electricity items all involving bulbs. Her cooker oven bulb stopped working. My sons tracker bulb stopped working and he had only changed it the previous week and they usually last 5 years. Also I had bought her an electric wax melt burner approx 8 years ago and the bulb had only been changed once approx 4 yrs ago Then when she was ill I noticed the bulb wasn’t working so my husband put a new one in about 4 days before she passed. Then the day after she passed the bulb went again and they had been brand new bought from a shop a few days ago. All very strange. then we came back to our own house 40 miles away and when i put the fairy lights on which are on top of my sideboard they were not working. My mums next door neighbour said they could hear light switches being switched on and off when no one was in the house and also wall sockets. My mum lived in a semi detached house and we could always hear switches being turned on from next door Also one of the things the neighbours told me was that when my mum was in hosp they missed hearing the light switches going on and off and i had told her this whilst she was in hosp. I have actually written it all down in a sort of timeline so it gives me great comfort. I also found a coin in an old bag that i took from my mums house . There was nothing else in the bag except the coin and i know some people say that is a sign of a departed person but I am not sure about that because my mum put a coin in new bags and purses as a good luck thing. I am going to try going to a medium at some stage when i get a bit stronger. One that is not from my area and anonymous just to see if anything relates to me. I am clutching at straws as you can probably tell. Let me know if you do get any signs as I would love to know Love Deborah x


I’ve heard a saying I hold onto.

When a robin appears our loved one is near.

Not sure if true but brings a great comfort.

Our special place is Aylesford Priory.

I went with our youngest daughter (she is 51) we saw this fellow on the wall about 4-6 feet where my darling marian sat forrhis photo.

Many tears but of happiness then.

Shalom & a gentle hug, john (and marian) :pray:t2::hugs:


@seychelles You had many signs, too many to call a coincidence!! Thank you for your lovely reply, I can only but hope I have some soon. I’ve started going to a spiritual church so hoping I can have a message there at some point. I’m thinking of seeing a medium but at a later date because they say if you’re grieving to much they may not come through to you? I am so sorry for your loss & wish you peace & love xx

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@jomar I’ve always had a fondness for robin’s & heard they are linked to our departed loved ones, that’s such a lovely thought & to be in the same area as in the photo! Peace & Love xx

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@Vancouver I read your heartfelt post & could have carried on reading, you write beautifully!!
I didn’t go through the long suffering you went through as it was very sudden how my partner went (all through the doctors not doing their jobs). It has been 7 weeks since she passed & I only wish I could have a sign like you, her saying “I am in a better place” (like your Tom said) for me just to know she’s there somewhere & at peace but unfortunately I haven’t had anything, I do still hold hope though because we were inseparable, we literally did everything together & wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!! Unlike you, I can not find my peace as I’m lost on my own & are finding it very hard to cope.
Peace & love xx


My dear @Emz -thank you, thank you. My advice is to just talk to her, just say how you feel. That is how Tom came through for me. Breathe, take a moment. Keep talking to her - about anything and everything. That’s what got me through this time. and carries me forward. Hold on, it will get better x


@Vancouver Thank you!! I do talk to her but will definitely make more conversation from now on & hopefully she will come to me. It’s thanks to people like you who come on here & share that keeps me going, thank you again xx


Emz, i lost my husband 3 days before Christmas. I think i have had a couple of signs that he is watching over me. While at the venue arranging his wake, someone touched me on the elbow which made me jump round, nobody close to me at all. I go out walking to clear my head and twice now a robin has landed just in front of me on a wall or branch and stayed there not flying off as i approached them. I’m sure this is him. Have patience, there will be a sign, when you least expect it. Thoughts are with you.

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Thank you @Maz250. Lovely hearing your experiences.
Peace & love to you :heart::heart:

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I’m also going to see a medium in February I hope it helps me

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@Mumcon do let us know how it goes. I’m going to a group medium event in February too, let’s hope we have the messages we need :heart:xx​:heart:

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Ive had a few signs. I was up in our spare bedroom fussing my cat Sasha. She was purring and rubbing my hand and all of a sudden she stopped and stared at the very place he used to to stand and talk to her.

Then I was stood at the kitchen window and a white feather floated right down in front of my eyes.

I came home to find a photo of us had fallen down face up for no apparent reason.

There have been a few more, I’ve always been a sceptic about this kind of thing but now I’m saying is that you my darling??


That’s fascinating @JasmineJelly, thanks for sharing! So many signs as well. I only wish I could have a sign of some kind but still nothing, my mother keeps saying it’s because I want it too much? :heart: xx :heart:


My mum passed on 8th Jan.

I’ve smelt her perfume twice in my dressing room at home. She never visited upstairs in my new house as she couldn’t manage the stairs.

I absolutely know its her telling me she is okay. She died very suddenly, just 5 weeks after my dad had passed.

The day before she died, she told me that dad had been calling her all night long. I firmly believe that he came for her, they were together 71 years. She simply couldn’t live without him.

I miss them both terribly.


I was looking for signs but didn’t see any until one night not so long ago I was sitting quietly on my own when I could smell perfume. I know it wasn’t mine as I had no perfume on then it dawned on me it was my husbands after shave It gave me such a wonderful feeling x


@Annie46 Thats wonderful to know that your father came for her & their back together.
@Mumcon I would love to have that experience or any but unfortunately none as yet.

Thank you for sharing both!!
xx :heart::heart:


My sister gave my late wife a small peace lily plant about 10-12 years ago. It never flowered but did on the first anniversary of what would have been her birthday and was still in flower on the anniversary of day she passed away (both in March). It hasn’t flowered since. I took this as a sign that she is now at peace.


@Johnch how lovely.x

Thank you, I still have the plant, re-potted and waiting for the next show of flowers.

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@Johnch id say that was too much of a coincidence as it didn’t flower before or after, lovely experience, thank you for sharing :heart::heart: