
Just a suggestion:
Arrange them in a box frame with a few lines of a verse you like?

G. X


I was sitting on the sofa last night. I had been in most of the day. I was dozing in and out of sleep. I don’t have the lights on anymore or the curtains closed. I was watching TV. All of a sudden there was a yellowish/white light. Not an orb shape. More “smoke” shape. I thought it was a trick of the light or my eyes. But it floated and then just suddenly disappeared. Has anyone else seen things like this?

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Could it have been a reflection from outside? Someone walking passed smoking maybe? Or reflection from the television. X

Lost my lovely partner almost 17 weeks ago, and ive been begging her for signs since shes been gone. Ive only just started to get signs - i bought her earrings before she passed and she never got to wear them or ever bring them out of the box. I got out of bed the other night to tend to our daughter and one of the earrings was lay on the floor by our bed.
She used to listen to worship music on our alexa every morning while getting ready, and the past 2 days its been coming on randomly at different times.

For someone who wasnt too sure about what i believed, i now definitely feel like shes around me and showing me it!


I’ve had robin signs and dragonfly. When I visited the cemetery last week and got home, a buzzing was in my hair and I flicked my hand through and a ladybird dropped out onto the floor. I’m sure it was a sign. Mum loved watching the ladybirds when they were crawling around her bedroom window frame. xx


My two dogs (Shih Tzu’s) follow me up to bed every night. They sometimes wake me up and I think it is Viv nudging me they are there for me 100%, John

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Hi ,
I have had loads of strange things happen all connected to electrical items eg items stopped working or bulbs stopped working after being replaced within a few days. Light fittings exploding. lights coming on in the middle of the night. Has anyone else had anything like this. My mum passed last Dec and it started happening the evening she died eg oven light stopped working, bulb in electric wax burner stopped working after being replaced brand new 2 days before, bulb on a camera stopped working same day as she died,. Then 1 week later the hall light fitting in her house exploded. Lamps not working then working ok the next day or switching a lamp on and within 2 min it turns off. Lights flickering in different rooms. Fairy lights coming on on their own in the middle of the night. Shower pump not turning off then next day working perfect. I think I am going bonkers .
Deborah x


The day after my Dad died, I saw a full double rainbow. It was so clear and colourful and stayed for nearly 15 minutes. I felt overwhelmed by its beauty but it was as though my Dad was sending a sign. I felt desperately sad but it made me smile.


Sitting in the reception at the Register Office, the only thing I could see out of the high window was a bit of buddleia outside which had a butterfly on it for ages. I took that as a sign.

A young woman came in with her mother and her baby boy. They were discussing the baby’s name. I nearly burst into tears when it turned out the boy’s middle name was my husband’s name. It felt like the circle of life and death and in a way comforting.


On the day my husband died my mum was at my house looking after my daughter, I was at the hospital. When I came home one of the pictures which is on a shelf in the kitchen had fallen down. It has never done this before and I can’t think how it would have fallen. It was like his energy visiting or leaving the house. He was really keen on bird watching, at his funeral, after the burial we were walking away and there was a kestrel just sat there. It seemed so unlikely to see this in a city, I like to think it might have been him.


Sorry @AnneandBruno, I don’t have the time to come on as often anymore but thank you so much for your post it was lovely to read & connect with :heart::heart: