
I started this topic to see if anyone had, had any signs of their loved ones. There has been such a response & I’d like to thank you all for keeping this post going with all your wonderful experiences; it has been such pleasure reading them all!!
Love & peace to you all :heart::heart:


I love reading about everyone’s signs, it makes me feel better and that I’m not losing my mind lol we can’t all be going mad can we :woman_shrugging:


My son has just told me that every now and then he feels his mum hug him. He said his hair stands up on his arms and he feels safe.

I’m so happy for him!!


I get the hairs standing on end quite often now and I have started saying “hey Mum” now lol

I went to the spiritual church last night with a medium who did a reading for me a few week ago as we have become friends ever since.

I sadly didn’t get a message but I felt a draft on my right side (the medium was sat on my right) and she whispered to me asking me what my mums name was and the draft got stronger once I told her. It looked like she was concentrating on something as well maybe communicating with my mum.

After the service I told her about this draft and she told me my mum was stood between us and she was trying to get my mum to go to the medium doing the service as she wants me to hear from other mediums to make my belief stronger.

Apparently my mum told her she was fine where she was so I asked why she wouldn’t go to the medium doing the service and she said cause she had read for me before, my mum just wanted to go through her again cause she thought of her as a sort of telephone link.

The medium doing the service was very good and said a lot of specific things though so I took her details.

She thinks I’d benefit going to a development class, apparently we are all born with this ability but most of us grow out of it but we can redevelop if we wish. She said I’m already on my way with developing as I have felt my mum around me ever since.


Something I received today that I believe we can all understand.


There’s a part of the grieving process,
where your soul kind of leaves your body too.
As though it’s off searching for the one you lost,
somewhere in the ether.

You walk around,
doing all the right things,
putting one foot in front of the other,
but it’s really as though you’re the ghost.

Perhaps you are.

Perhaps your soul searches,
until you find the one you miss,
and they tell you to go back and live.

So, when that numbness passes brave one,
maybe it’s time to do what you are told,
go back and live,
twice as hard.

You don’t belong there in the ether,
nor do you need to search for the one you lost,
they find you.
And when they do,

you’ll feel it.

Donna Ashworth

From ‘I Wish I knew’ :heart:


Hi Emz - I talk out loud to my husband every night telling him of the news. A possible sign I have had several times is just after I go to bed. I feel very soft pressure on the duvet. At first I thought it was the cat! But she wasn’t there! I always look up when I feel it, just to check! I feel strangely comforted by this. It only started recently. My hubby died 2 years ago. He was my world. Sending you a warm hug


Hi I get these signs too Most nights i feel as if someone is lifting the duvet to get it Like you at first i thought it was my dog but she was in her own bed
The first time it happened i was a bit frightened as it really felt it was someone trying to get in the bed but i now feel it is my husband letting me know he’s here and it brings me so much comfort


I absolutely love this and I can resonate!

I did not know about any of this stuff before my mum grew her angel wings.

In the early days I found myself constantly searching for answers because it didn’t make sense that what made her, her was lost forever.

A few days later I started feeling her presense so strongly, I thought I was losing it! Then I started getting random scents filling my nostirls that only lasted a split second.

Her funeral song kept playing, I kept finding white feathers on my path.

Someone told me to see a medium and everything was confirmed when I did see one.

I don’t know if I mentioned it on this post but I said to her a few week ago if I see a stag, I really will believe you’re still around. I laughed it off cause you don’t really get them round here and I’ve never actually seen one.

One day I decided to walk a different route home, I was on a normal street with heavy traffic and out of no where this stag came sprinting across the road and went right past me.

At first I wondered what I had just witnessed then I realised I had got what I asked for. Once I realised I almost fell to the floor the shivers washed over me that strong.

I feel like all the searching I did in the early days some how connected us together again.

Although I know she’ll never leave me, I am still so sad that I can’t see her, I miss her cuddles and getting replies from her.


Such a wonderful experience, I had similar (see above) but only once unfortunately. Thank you so much for sharing, I do hope it continues for you❤️xx❤️


Wonderful experience, that’s definitely one you could never dismiss as a coincidence!! Thank you :heart:xx​:heart:


I posted the reply below under my earlier post entitled “My Husbands Former Co-workers,”
It is appropriate for this thread because of my grief process, even though it is four years since my husband Bruno crossed suddenly on May 20, 2019.
Also, I love the stories on this thread of people who have seen birds (robins who stay close) and electrical events–also coins that seem to just appear.
Right now it is 12:47 am in the USA and there is a pigeon who is sleeping on a ledge outside my bathroom window in my apartment in New York City. He (??) has been there for several hours. This bird has come several times over the last few weeks–I am sure it is the same bird. It was a baby at first and now it seems to be full grown. I wonder if it is bringing the presence of Bruno – or maybe someone else (another loved like my mom or grandmother or aunt). My dad definitely has been sending pennies since he crossed in 1994. And Bruno has taken to sending quarters–I had meber found quarters I. That random
Way–and now I do.

Well, here is the post I added:
I want to add to my note about Bruno’s co-workers. I didn’t mention in that post another aspect that is part of my life now since his death four years ago. I didn’t mention it because i wanted to be brief and stick to the topic. The new aspect is shock.

Four years feels like four minutes. I feel like I am still in shock and that it hasn’t happened. I have not really cried–just a little at times. There are people in my life who do talk about Bruno all the time and others who never mention him–sadly disturbing to me.
What I do feel, though, is his presence and many signs.
I just found the thread that Emz started called “Signs”. I was so happy to find others who understand that our loved ones on The Other Side do send us signs. And some of you are still looking for signs. You will find see them!
I connected with Emz over his comment of sleeping on the sofa after her death. I have been doing that. Just can’t sleep in the bed.
There is a person, Laura Lynne Jackson, who is a psychic medium. She lives on Long Island in the USA and was a high school English teacher. She is married and has three children. My sister saw her in a panel on a program on TV. We have read her two books and zoomed in together on some of her recorded talks (did this during the pandemic).
Big takeaway is that she keeps saying we do not need her and that we can tune into our loved ones and see their signs ourselves. She is still the teacher and gives us ways to learn to understand the language of the universe. I am a theology teacher myself, so this resonates with my Catholic belief in the Communion of Saints.
You might like Laura’s books:
First one: The Light Between Us (a New York Times Best Seller)
Second: Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe. (Also a New York Times best seller)
Wishing everyone well! Thank you, Sue Ryder, for this wonderful vehicle. I don’t really l know how I got into this–maybe a little help from Bruno?


I got sent another white feather today I was going through a subway tunnel and it floated down right in front of me, the funny thing is I actually asked my Mum to send me one today cause I woke up sad again lol x


Ah, that’s so lovely!! Hope it helped you feel a bit better xx


I still question it at times and think what if they’ve always been in my path but I’m just looking for them now but it is odd that I asked for it and recieved lol


Here is my collection :rofl:


Yay!! I have a little collection box where i put my feathers! That’s such a boost for you!! I sometimes get one out and feel it on my face! xx


Lol arh bless you :relaxed: I have more but they aren’t white I just think the white ones are more likely from the angels for some reason lol x

Me too!! But I still tend to keep them all!! x

Me too this is my collection, lost my lovely husband 4 days before Christmas last year.


My granddaughter added one too, a comfort to know that other close family have signs too.

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