Since The Day You Died (By Karol Vlaencia)

I wish I could hear your voice just one more time
Or feel you lying next to me
I wish I could tell you how much I loved you
But now I can’t
And it makes me sad you passed away
And left me all alone
Since the day you died I’ve felt so cold
No one knew the reason
You just passed so suddenly
You were always my support
You were the one I trusted most
I could lean on you when times got bad
You were my shoulder to cry on
You were my knight in shining armour
And now it makes me sad to know you’re gone forever
It kills me inside that I can’t be by your side
Why did you have to leave?
Why did you have to go?
I wish I could see you just one more time
But I can’t


Beautiful Words :sparkling_heart:

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Glad to share the beautiful poems.
Take care.


Cried when I read that, these words are practically the same as I’ve been repeating to myself and to my husband since that day he was suddenly, prematurely torn away from me and my life fell apart

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So sorry for the loss of your husband, and apologies if the words upset you again.
It’s 66 weeks for me since I lost my partner, and I still can’t believe it’s real.
Never ending days of tears.
We have to stay strong x

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Thank you. No need for apologies, it was a comforting cry, we need this to help our healing. I understand your disbelief, it’s 18 months for me but I still feel I’m living in another dimension, as if I’m acting a role in a film, I am not me, I’m someone else. Doesn’t make sense, I know, there just aren’t any appropriate words to describe this feeling.
Yes, we must keep strong, I know I have to do that at least for my two kids,if not for myself.

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Solost It is 18 months for me & that lovely poem says it all
I hate to think there are others feeling the same as me
People think Im strong but they dont hear me sobbing as I sit in this cold, lonely house that once was a home.
It would have been our 60th Wedding Anniversary next week & I cant bear thinking about it


I feel as if I’m outside looking in. It’s me I see but it’s said I’m watching somebody else’s life. It’s quite surreal sometimes. I know what you mean about no words to describe the feeling. We have to ground ourself in the moment and live for those we have lost. Xx


What a beautiful verse and sums up my feelings exactly. Thank you for sharing it. I have now been almost three weeks without my husband and I am hurting so much. Your words have given me some comfort so thank you.
Love from Carol


I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. Three weeks is no time at all and I feel your heartache and pain.
It will be 67 weeks on Sunday that my partner died and it hurts just as bad today as it did that fateful day.

“Those special memories of you will always bring a smile
If only I could have you back for just a little while
Then we could sit and talk again just like we used to do
You always meant so very much and always will do too
The fact that you’re no longer here will always cause me pain
But you’re forever in my heart until we meet again.”

Sending you a big hug x


Dear Joan
Thank you so much for your lovely message. It just says how I feel. I am so sad and I just sit here wishing him to come back even though I know that is just a dream . Your words are a comfort and I thank you. I would be so desperate if it wasn’t for this site. People send such wonderful messages like you have and it gives me some hope. Thank you so much
Love from Carol

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Hi Carol.
Yes, the people on here are very kind and caring, and like you I’m very grateful for this site.
I’m not very good with words, so I am glad to share poems that say things better than I ever could.
Take care and stay strong. It’s still very early days for you.
Joan x

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Hello Joan
Many thanks for your message. I do appreciate everyone on this site. Everyone is so kind and understanding like you. I do get some hope from the posts and appreciate you all. My thoughts and thanks are with everyone.

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Hello sad2
Says it all for me still struggling 59 weeks on since my partner went suddenly.
Beautiful poem thanks for sharing
Love and hugs to you x

Lovely words, thank you. I relate to every single line of this poem, especially the first line.
The only time I ever smile now, is when I think about our special moments together.

Sad2 this is lovely and echoes the things I say to T every day.

Oh I just love reading this,it is just how I feel about my wife Judith,every line means so much. Thank Love Michael x

Wonderful Poem, the words are so so so true to all of us on this forum i would imagine, thanks for sharing, Take Care Mickere

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