Sleep is welcome

I’ve dreamt about my wife every single time I sleep since she passed ( 3 weeks today) . I expect this is normal.
Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?


At least you have nice dreams which is good. I’ve been struggling to get much sleep. x

I didn’t say they were nice dreams. Some are, some are about alleviating her symptoms. Some are about the nurses. Some are about her crying when she was given 4 weeks to live and breaking in front of me.

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@Blake She is keeping the connection with you. I haven’t heard from my Steve for a while, in the last dream he rang me to tell me that he loves me. He sounded very far away, perhaps he was on his journey and now he’s too busy.

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Sorry I shouldn’t have assumed

For the first two or three months I dreamt every other night about my wife.

A recurring theme was she was anxious about she had forgotten to go to a Drs appointment or I hadn’t taken for a blood test, she would get quite insistent and frustrated telling me how important they were. I tried to reassure her or distract her because I couldn’t find it in me to say to her they weren’t needed as she had died.

Odd really as she seems so real and alive but I knew it wasn’t the case.

Now a few months on I’m not sure if I dream or not, or how much I sleep. The nights just seem to be filled with silence.

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I’ve only had 4 dreams in total. Two of those on consecutive nights. And the last time was many months ago.
I will myself to dream every night. But it doesn’t happen, and sleeping at all is still a challenge.

It was hearing his voice in the dream that was the nicest part of all.

I hope I have a nice dream about him tonight. I hope you all have nice dreams…