Sleeping too much

Does anyone else find themselves sleeping for long periods of time? I sleep a full 11 hours and dose when I do get up…… I’ve lost all will to do anything and I’m worried that I’m ill. I know I’m probably not but my mind goes into overdrive. My blood tests for something else showed normal apart from folic acid due to eating rubbish food relatively speaking. It’s so hard and is getting me down……


Derek, perhaps, you are trying to escape by sleeping. Quite normal for depressed people. But, you can’t sleep if you aren’t home, so get out of the house. Make morning plans and stick to them so you won’t sleep in.

Put yourself on a schedule and re-set your sleep pattern. It may take some time.

Tell your doctor what is going on and maybe you need some anti-depressants.

Much love.

Hi @PeachesDixon, I’m up earlier today although it’s a struggle as I’m writing this not to just have a snooze on the settee! I’m going to try and do some different things today despite it being cloudy & rainy…… it probably is depression although I hate thinking it! I’m going to take your advice and try and break my daily routine of sleep even if it’s just one thing a day! It’s my wife’s 1st ‘Heavenly Birthday’ on Sunday with my daughters coming around… I’m worried about being up!! They think I’ve got something wrong with me despite my explanations😞 They work & have children etc to keep them occupied…. It’s a horrible feeling but we all soldier on… Thanks for your advice.


I think its perfectly normal in grief to feel exhausted - your brain and body have been through a huge trauma and are still processing the loss. Brain activity takes a lot of energy! Plus if you were potentially caring for or supporting your wife prior to her death, there can be an exhaustion there thats also built up. Im often in bed 9-10 hours but still need to doze during the day. Listen to your body - things like some form of gentle exercise or getting the morning sun in your eyes might help to energise you in the mornings, but dont feel worried or guilty if you need to rest more than normal - sometimes our body is telling us what it needs and we just have to listen :people_hugging: