
Im finding it really difficult staying asleep i long for the day to end so go to bed early but them sometimes I’m awake from 1 am and can’t get back to sleep get up eventually at 6 then want to go back to bed at 8 pm lost my husband suddenly just over 3 months ago and realising he’s not coming back some days are bearable some not have got sleep medication from doctor sends me to sleep right away but then awake through the night the thought of staying up later is horrible but so is waking up my husband worked permanent nights so I’m used to being on my own though the night but I’m struggling


Hi Debbie
I am the same I am wondering how long the docs will prescribe the sleeping tablets as I know they don’t like to for too long and I am thinking 3 months I am pushing it , I did a two hour walk last night with a friend and I still woke up at 2am !! X


Actually I realised I sent you a message yesterday about “sleeping “ seems we are both struggling to stay asleep x

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Ill have to check my junk mail don’t think i received it


I have the same pattern of sleeping. Go to sleep early then wake at 2 or 3am, often feeling anxious. If I’m lucky go back to sleep for an hour or so around 5am. What is worse is not being able to go to sleep in the first place…then I have a really bad night.


I fall to sleep with or without a sleeping pill because I am knackard ! But I just don’t stay asleep and wake at 2/3am I look out of the window and think everyone is asleep and I am walking around again, shock of losing my husband suddenly even if it was 3 months ago is still a lot to take in


I think the doctor will only prescribe sleeping pills for 3 months at least mine anyway so I’m not going to adk for anymore xx

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I may just be “cheeky” and put an online repeat request in and see what happens ? But No I don’t think I will get them , it’s like 3 months ! You should be sleeping now! X

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It took me about 18 months before I could sleep past about 4am. It’s coming on for 2.5 years and now I quite often make it to 5.30am (so generally get 5 -6hrs). It does seem to be gradually improving with time but can get bad again when going through rougher patches …

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Exactly the same for me. My husband died suddenly 3 months ago and most nights I fall asleep then wake between 2 and 3pm, often feeling anxious. If I’m lucky I’ll go to sleep for another hour or so around 5am.