Small talk

Sat here at my mother in laws waiting for a ceremony to take place for my wife who died in March , her family are Hindu so her mum wanted to do one , to set her soul at peace apparently. Have no problem with the actual ceremony but there’s about 50 people here in her house all laughing and making small talk , I’ve just gone and sat quietly in a corner yet in my head I’m screaming ‘she’s dead what have you all got to be laughing about ‘ if I get asked are you ok one more time, I swear I won’t be saying fuck off in my head while my mouth says yes I’m ok , it will be the other way round .
I know my wife would want me to just get through it but I feel like I’m about to explode .


So sorry.

Sending a big hug

Rose x

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There is not enough space in your mind for anything else other than the grief for your loved one, you cannot process anything else.
After 6 months when Joan died I went to the pub with my brother in law and couldn’t stand the rubbish that was being talked about, it will be a while before you can talk about anything other than your loss.


Keep your lovely wife in the forefront of your thoughts.
We’re all sitting here quietly with you…


It’s over 4 months for me now. I realised today that I never ask anyone about themselves any more. I really couldn’t care less about what my friends have been doing or whether they are having problems or issues in their lives. All I can focus on is that Steve died. I cannot process anything else. Luckily, my friends don’t seem to expect anything from me, so far at least.



Bless you! Bet your pleased it is over with now. It was nice that you respected her family’s tradition. I bet it took a lot not to let rip at them! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh that is just how I feel. I can’t think of anything else and I can’t process any other information
I do ask about others but only so I don’t have to talk about my grief as I feel it’s all I talk and think about.
I feel I am so dull and boring - all the spark and light has gone from me and I wonder if it will ever come back. I just don’t know this new me at all.
Sending hugs xx

I am fine with the ones I care about , just finding I have a lot less patience for the ones I don’t .