So empty

I lost my partner on the 28th of December of 14 yrs . I feel so lost and numb


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I lost my partner just before Christmas very suddenly and with no warning. My memory of that day and the days following is very vague and I felt numb too. That has eased a little bit now but I’m still in denial and expecting him to walk in the door. But there are no rules to grief and everyone will follow their own path. Take any help that is offered to you and take each day, each hour as it comes. You are not alone and you will find on here that there are others who absolutely understand what you are going through. I find that helps so much. Take care and be patient and kind to yourself. X


So sorry ,
Keep posting on here people reply and you are not alone I know this has helped me some what.
I lost my partner suddenly in September he’s my best friend , I am learning who is there for me now and it is few so this has been like new friends to talk to .


Im sorry for your loss. Its heartbreaking. I lost my husband of 33 years in November after a short illness and I am still desperately struggling with it, trying to understand why him even though I know I will never get that answer.

Everyone’s grief is different, take one day at a time, go with what you feel is right for you and don’t rush anything.

Hopefully time will help make it a little easier for us all. Look after yourself.

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So sorry for your loss. It’s 7 months for me and sometimes I still feel as though he has just gone out for some shopping and will walk back through the door. We were married just shy of 50 years.
My counselling starts Monday which I hope will help. We just have to push through and keep going. Riding the peaks and troughs as they come.


Yes, I lost my husband of 48 years in September too. I feel as if the whole way I thought of everything and everyone has changed. It has gone extremely quiet since Christmas but as you say, some friends are still around and I realise that I have to create a new life for “me” at the tender age of 72. Firstly, keep healthy and only spend time and energy with those who really care.


So sorry for your loss. I lost my partner very suddenly in October. I know it’s hard to do, but try and eat, even just very tiny amounts at regular intervals, or drink soup. Grief is totally exhausting and you need to keep up your strength for the tough weeks ahead.

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Thanks arvia for reaching out to me with ur words and sorry for ur loss

Thanx paupet

Ive took some soup and had a bit to eat
Taking one minute at a time .
Thankyou catrin

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Thanks for youre kind words