So hard

Lost my mum last October struggled and broken in many pieces , this is so hard and my brother has been told he now has terminal , just horrendous


I hope you can look for the good memories of you mum
After nearly 22 years with my mum gone I had a breakdown recently and it has now destroyed me because I never stayed in the hear and now and that was the last thing she said to me all those years ago

Never give up your hope and als
o I lost my mother in law to covid last year and never had the chance to grief
her properly please look after your brother while you still can family is so precious I ll be thinking of you

All my love


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Hi Jane I hope I can to , I’m so sorry you are having it very hard to, life can be so cruel sometimes ,
But I’m trying to put one foot in front off the other every day ,
Thank you so much for your lovely message and taking all the good from everyone xxx