So hard

Just been away to legoland for a few days with my 11 year old (I hate rides) somewhere we visit regularly, first time just me and him, went on the rides with him and every one got me really emotional. Never known something so emotional and hard. To many memories hope these things get easier in time


The firsts are always supposed to be the worst. Did your son enjoy it? I hate rides as well. Thinking if you. Xx. Sandra

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Like you all, the first, is something so hard.
I went to my great nieces 4th birthday last Sunday, the first time I have visited alone, and I felt deflated and incomplete, I tried to be present, but all I could think of was, hmm, everything for the first time is going to be unbearable.
With that in mind, visiting friends, the supermarket and driving the car still makes me emotional, time after time.
Like you, it’s so hard, so emotional, and part of me is in denial, thinking this a nightmare I will wake from.
I feel your loneliness and pain and know that from somewhere we will gain the strength to cope better.
I guess we have to live our best life, because that is what our loved ones would want for us.
I am wishing you all the best on this emotional journey.

He did thanks I managed to keep it together for him, had to turn my head away a few times like but I made it through, had to for him x

Still a lot to over come in this journey and learn to life with. It’s hard but hopefully we will all make it through x

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Well done you.

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I had occasion to drive past the local hospital where my husband died two and a half year ago. Awful, awful memories and I just wanted to howl as we went by but I managed it both there and back. I thought well I’ve done it but I’m not sure I could do it again. My husband did not get an operation that was fist considered but then it was withdrawn as we went Into lockdown and the surgery would have meant him going into ICU which at the time was kept for covid patients. I really don’t think I could bear to be taken there in an emergency.