So hard

Loosing your partner is the hardest thing dealing with,Iam trying to be strong as I know that’s what my husband would have wanted to to do.The way I feel is so empty,does this get easier,Why is it that all the best are taken early in life,and there are lots os horrible people around.This is just not fair

No, life is not fair. Coming to terms with that fact is necessary if we are to try and get back to some sort of life without our loved ones. So many horrible people, as you call them, are devoid of what you are able to give. Love! Unloved and unwanted can make you horrible.
It’s been said on here recently that we should try and feel grateful for the time we had.
Be as strong as you can, but don’t try too hard. In the early stages it’s best to let emotions come. Never bottle up feelings and don’t try and go it alone.
Coming on here is the best thing you could have done. So many kind folk here and they have restored my faith in human nature, which was not good before my wife died. .
It does get easier, but I must qualify that by saying everyone will cope in their own way.
Counselling can help a lot and a visit to your GP may help. They deal with bereavement on a daily basis. Whatever you say or do will be your way of coping. Nothing is odd, weird, silly or stupid in grief, and there is no set time limit. Acceptance is still the best way forward. That is not easy. Many find it almost impossible. But what has happened has. Memories will come. Let them.
Have you family or close friends you can talk to?
Take care and take it easy, as easy as you can. One day at a time.