So how to get going in the morning

Absolutely no reason to even start the day. I’ve never been one for lying in bed but with no reason to go through the day as the pain in my heart won’t ease. So why give it more to feed off. It’s pounding as it is. Over 5 weeks without my girl. Read a bit about widowers syndrome. How I feel would totally suit me

Hi . It’s such early days for you. It’s over 18 months since my wife died and I still feel the pain when something ‘triggers’ a memory. It can get better. Honest it can, although for you to believe that now may be difficult. Mornings are still not good for me, but I have got into a routine which suits me, and I have friends in the community in which I live who understand and help. Of course, memories will always be there, how could they not be. But I have found that more pleasant memories tend to replace the bad ones. There is hope, it’s always there but is difficult to find at first. I am not minimising your pain, God knows, been there.
Take care. Blessings.

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Thanks. The only bad memories are the tramutic ones I walked into when eventually allowed to visit in her final hours. Also how they told her she might not be around in the morning. Felt so helpless. Still gets me. And being there when she stopped breathing. I was looking at her beautiful face. Just hurts typing it. Good job water don’t go with messages

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