So lonely. The evenings the worse

Everything the worst following ten weeks of my loss of the love of my life. Bad food and wine and telly rather hollow… any pointers…

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I know that feeling, I think we all do.

I have photos of Luie everywhere, I talk to him constantly. Sometimes I’ll have a cry and rant at him because he left me… But mostly I just tell him what I’ve done during the day, what my plans are for tomorrow, what shall I have for dinner… Stuff I’d say if he were here.

What I don’t do is think too far ahead, the most I think of is two weeks and I try to fill that with something to look forward to each day.
The evenings are very difficult though, we have time to dwell and be sad, but sometimes we need to do that.

I’m leaning on wine, and I’ve bought a 7 series box set to watch. I lose myself in that!

Pooka, we’re in a wilderness of sadness and loss, we do our best however we can.
I hope you have some support from friends and family.
I’m in bed, crying and missing my Luie. So many others are doing the exact same thing.

I hope my reply, even if I’m rambling, let’s you know you’re not alone xx

Just wanted to let you know that your not alone, im also 10 weeks tomorrow, feels like yesterday, i miss him so much, everyday is a struggle, i don’t even go out anymore

I too have pictures everywhere kiss every single one in the morning at night your not alone its bloody hard this path we find ourselves on now without that loved special person by our side the pain just relentless linda was my rock even though she said i was hers too bit i was with her 14 years i so wish i was more by a long way so many plans all gone that hurts a lot even going out in the cars she not next to me or her driving just destroys me feel trapped i hope everyone on here can try to come to some solace and peace after losing that one true love they say we are not aline but it feels like we are my hugs too pooka and flower and poppet and all others on here :heart_hands:

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My heart goes out to all of you. I went through some dreadful times with my late husband, I did deserve some award for what I put up with but I really loved him and wish he were still here. I’m so lonely it’s unbearable. Family are not nearby, I don’t have one single friend, I have one good neighbour who me I could never confide in. All you lonely people are in my heart and thoughts and prayers.XXX

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Thinking of you All, each and everyone one, I wish I had a measure of all of you, but I do, in your yearning and your grief. I find the evenings tough tough, as apposed to the day tough. I don’t ever expect to be any different and perhaps don’t want to be. I am thinking grief is taking a toll on my physical body too, but I think I don’t really care. Trying to action a home move alone after ten weeks without my beloved soul mate best friend, husband. This listening forum is a way’ in our dark

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